Dear and flying non grata imaginary assailant:
I know that you like challenges, and that within their entertainment is sitting to look closely at each of the movements in the home of Mrs. Hudson, actual house in which I live, but I've never seen I know that is always lurking.
First of all, and because of the warning signs of Ms. Hudson who made me aware of the extra-human abilities that you possess, and circumvent the vigilance of the patrols that pass through the neighborhood, the excessive and odious street lighting, flying to the second floor, holding onto a perfectly smooth wall, slide the large window which has not been oiled for years and now represents a large drag force I have to congratulate him and admire him for having such amazing skills and abilities in addition to being soft enough to enter my room to take my ... Books?
Now that I would certain deductions, I guess you are a follower of my readings, noting the hours I spend on the couch reading, I guess my version of Little Women must have fascinated him and now he loses chance of wanting to be my copy. Are you a vile villain!
I wonder if with such high skills has not thought of becoming an actor or two, perhaps as a circus acrobat or appearing on TV, because that fly and stand on the wall with one hand to slide the window or even Peter Parker would do without super powers.
know that sooner or later going to sneak through the window, I only ask that if I'm asleep do not make much noise because I was difficult to reconcile the dream again if I wake up at midnight, close the window after entering and after leaving harmful drafts and if in such case came to wake me cry, that the recommendation of Ms. Hudson herself is honored but not with the door locked from the inside can not enter, so you have enough time to choose the copy to him most sympathetic, and if I could give some book recommendations.
nothing else at the moment and having raised a prior relationship with you just hope that your stay in my bedroom you will enjoy it and do not mind if I lose one of these demonstrations of skills in other circumstances.
The girl whose window opens in the afternoon.
PD. Both roll and a damn window open. Damn! I have claustrophobic tendencies in such circumstances should worry more about what is inside that imaginary being outside.