Friday, January 28, 2011

Ftv India Programme Timings

Loyalty On The I

Responsibility and loyalty and responsibility and loyalty ... Who can not have it recorded in the cerebral cortex? Well, yes some people do not know those words, but let's the people who have in their genetic code, say a beautiful young girl is in a dilemma for those stigmas recorded to the marrow of the bones. Let's talk about me ( whose else but )

My very personal existential question leads me to the publication of the next entry by a security dilemma that someone else had to respond, or is my hope that someone has suffered because it would be totally unfair that I'm the only one with such issues that I wake up at seven o'clock from enjoying a day when I have awakened at noon.

What issue could be interested at all?, You ask. Well, actually I do not know if they are concerned and that point I leave to your discretion.

twenty-four hours ago I received a job offer, a very good job offer, not sure yet, in fact I have an appointment today. The great existential question that concerns me is the loyalty.

I like my current job, my bosses love me and since I came to work with them have protected me as an orphan in the midst of hostile workplace. It is obvious that the sense of loyalty to them and not the company has installed on my OS and now I see with the terrible feeling of guilt for thinking so suddenly abandon.

What are the limits of loyalty?

I have a very precise and firm idea that one should seek the personal welfare above all, but how how one enters the irresponsible to abandon its obligations under this proposal?

I think that it comes to further aggravate the lack of time, everything came from one moment to another without giving me the opportunity to warn my bosses. Right now there is significant work in the office that my participation is absolutely necessary. I am indispensable for now. The work I do can not do it someone else without proper training that makes me twisting by the fact of feeling like a whole irresponsible abandon even think right now.

Go! The Voice is quite pesky.

loyalty on the ego.

If you ask Ann and my answer both of which I undoubtedly have great weight in my ways, it's me who is the subject and no doubt a change would be great working environment , more likely to progress and advance, more free time which could take to begin the projects I've been putting off without a better quality of life by increasing the cash in my pockets.

think certainly what mensa makes this thinking? should accept the proposal and stop wasting our time. Two of my I are saying right now, but did I mention that I have a very sharply shouting Voice?

Oh! Deja vu ... has passed.

far as nothing is certain and any decision you make can go to the gorge to the outcome of the interview today I feel uncertainty. The coin is in the air and depending on what falls between other variants I have to take a decision ... or not taking it. Everything is so complicated.

Now if nothing happens, then what a way to waste my time and yours, but considering that all must labor homosapiens one day of its existence may be at risk of having to answer questions like to this and you can not drown in a glass of water as I do right now must put indulgence in my case for the simple fact that I hate the uncertainty of indecision.

Maybe nothing will happen, maybe in the evening return calm to me, maybe come a time when you want to rip my head ( not try it at home without adult supervision sane).

to grow up and think about the future is so damn complicated.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Connect Multiple Usb Webcam

"exists or not? That's The Question

few minutes ago my neighbor came to my office, so stealth was his walk that I absorbed in my reading all did not see him reach that laboriously murmured the title my book.

I asked what was what in principle is a rather difficult question to answer when I am in the dilemma of having to answer open questions to people who rarely have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow my brain and ignore the many references can be quite useful for grasping.

George Orwell is a widely known author, who or heard of Animal Farm and the phrase "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"?, Ah, no doubt, one of those people in my neighbor, so I saw the need to make use of popular entertainment and information that breaks down all barriers, even religious organizations that exist in the knowledge mass. Who now has no knowledge of Kalimba and all the gossip style window which is bombarded with and insulted our chaste ears? Then I tried to explain:

Ever heard of "Big Brother"? I asked ( it is clear that I chose the English version of the program because it was well known as famous and stupid program, and if he had said "Big Brother" would have been the same as another source reference highbrow ) - After a moment's thought gave an affirmative answer as to which I gave when I asked if he had read his second pamphlet ( which will not), then did a brief overview and summary of what is 1984.

After a strange way the topic turned to UFOs ( swear there is no drinking of alcohol by ), said that once had the "fortune? to see one. I was surprised by this statement because their religion forbids that kind of blasphemy because God in his wisdom and has no apparent similarity with big heads and green little men. Then said he believes that these "Flying saucers" are ships for spying on the great powers.

-obsolete-argued would immediately "due to the existence of satellites and Google Earth with which countries like the United States know the exact location of underground oil deposits the country and even the ease of any internet user to monitor his ex.

"Well, but that is just," was his simple reply before leaving my office ask me what makes how old are we talking about between the vision of interplanetary craft and present.

With the firm intention to cancel a future urban legend about my belief in such beings outside our knowledge and contacts I affirm that I DO NOT THINK the existence of aliens and spacecraft (How many are about to refute my statement, how many are about to address the comments to let me know your opposing view? ). I DO NOT THINK for a simple reason, to believe is something very vague to address an issue which can reason with simple math: I exist, you exist ( in theory, no one is sure if there is a projection of one mind, right, Frank?) ergo, why others do not have to exist?

The nature on our planet for a true statement that there are other agencies of us, in our own universe or parallel realities, depending on how deep they want to enter such discussion. Not because I do not hold conversations like, " global warming is here increasing, how are about planet X? "," We do not we already have enough ammonia to poison life, but we expect another lightning storm come soon to save energy harvesting ( but nobody says otherwise ) does not mean they have not to exist. Just in the depths of our oceans is marine life which we have not even seen, that does not mean they are not there. Can I explain?

Then the question of believing or not believe in life or any kind of intelligent life apart from that in our third rock did not answer "I do believe" or "I" because we are not in the Catechism to give answers as superfluous and sheets, it responds with a "MUST have life "( How many, again, are about to refute my arguments, how many comments will the opposite of what I wrote? So many? You will not be happy with anything given! )

Personally I can not reference any experience where you leave found that I have seen a UFO or something that can be classified as such. I have seen and witnessed many strange things that I could not discern whether meetings are the first, second or third type, I never had the opportunity to record flying objects that could be the witch, meteorites, Superman tale or giving a tour of Mexican territory, could not say if they are not hallucinating schizophrenic paranoid or just dust on my glasses, so I let go of the chance.

All this to conclude that:

1. It strikes me having to find ways to "simple" to express myself.
2. George Orwell puts me in a paranoid state.
3. Christians should accept the existence of extraterrestrial life and not failed to award it as a creation of God. Have a say in its favor.
4. I'm too influenced by Public Enemy. Which again adds to my paranoia.
5. You should write a novel about interplanetary relations.
6. Metro System Of A Down is a marvel.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ankylosing Spondylosis Dogs


For some that word can mean a lot, others now removed from the USB port memory. For some it is a living thing, for others ... I hope well.

The previous post I decided to publish this post highbrow due to give a slight idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he spoke, the importance of the Hackers, the task of Assange and importance, but above all and although many believe that Bruce Willis is old and the film is of extreme violence should not miss Die Hard 4.0.

The protagonist of Today is Stuxnet, sound familiar?

In short:

Stuxnet is a wonderful worm was discovered in June 2010 by VirusBlokAda and wonder what is special about the worm, there are many Trojans is not it ?, how great this worm is that blimp and quiet.

Stuxnet travels through the USB sticks ( insurance as much as your USB port removed ... if not already done so, they will soon, though later ) infects and looking back wincc only a goal that runs on Windows ( nothing unusual ), if the worm is not WinCC nothing happens, only the hard copy waiting for transport, be it USB memory, cellular networks, including those used by printers ( as the ring of power waiting Smeagoll or Bilbo Baggins).

SIEMENS himself warned his clients that SCADA ( Control Management System, Monitoring and Data Acquisition ) was vulnerable to the virus. SCADA control valves, production lines and industrial equipment in general, in other words, a large industrial giant can be halted and perhaps even destroyed by the worm, according to what is scheduled.

Stuxnet By August 45 000 machines had been infected and this infection is growing exponentially due to the way silently infect.

What is surprising is that this virus does not attack everyone, the goal is singular ( many speculate it has to do with the production of nuclear weapons ) and so far unnamed, in addition to the natural advantages of being a virus, launch a direct hit without the abuser is exposed.

This opens a new space of war it is not detrimental for prejudice in this case the enemy attacks says quietly but directly, this type of policy could trigger false accusations resulting in an international conflict .

movie sounds I know but for obvious reasons many of us know that nothing is improbable. In the century where everything is scheduled national security, vital information and pirated movies are at the mercy of those chattering binorianos willing to defend the creed of free information, mercenaries willing to put their skills to the military order that better pay and some others who do not know where you engage in a way leaves us vulnerable to cyber attacks. I guess everything has its pros and cons.

PD. Source: Quo No. 159, January 2011.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Copd Treatment Images

Airship Theme Pop

It is time to refer you need: Wikileaks.

avoided the issue with every intention to be something quite popular, to talk about it runs the risk of being repetitive, only three options: for, against or opposite, but I take the liberty to comment on this topic.

I read many sites that Wikileaks was an exaggeration, that the documents presented do not say anything new that I posted was not something unexpected and that it was like reading the Diary of Anne Frank, wait too and is pure disappointment (sorry you damn book lovers, I agree all the time threats).

On the other side and to be honest I am not aware that that is true, if it were we would like to thank Julian for pointing out the place Assange they should look, if false, as already stated is not it?

The great debate is information, right or not having access to it in the future it is read in history books something that is closer to the truth, to judge those who must be judged, forgiven or punished.

Information plays a double-edged sword, has an impact as the truth, which is fair you like the general public or not. On one side you can open the door to real events, it gives you weapons because information is knowledge, but whether that knowledge is good is the paradox. The good and bad is totally relative, here and in China, there is a definition or a defined line. Even Satan has its good side ... I say.

Regarding this I have noticed some peculiar aspects:

"You have to kill his reputation first, then the person will be vulnerable"

Sound familiar? ! Gladiator

Gladiator Assange is concerned. What, Nobody noticed?


Coincidence is to drop a brick on your head with a serial number of the date of your birthday, that's a coincidence.

Assange The situation is Similarly, public documents is the United States does not want to know ... writing, because by this time who believe what Pearl Harbor as we have, who believes that the Twin Towers was not the work of Bush. Nobody on the planet relies on military movements made by States Together. Saying he did not intend to seize the oil from the beginning is like saying that Hitler was ready.

The whole world is usually located between two positions on the U.S.: Fear or Courage. Put in writing all the atrocities and injustices committed by the United States is nothing new, just doing it more official and due to envy or antipathy to inspire United States with respect to the whole world is logical that they endorse Assange if encouraged to identify and emphasize what everyone knows or did you know? For the moment is the same.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

A maxim in matters of war but not only external support.

is not surprising that the world Hackers have jumped to the defense of Assange for the simple and straightforward premise that the creed of the Hackers defend the free flow of information without making distinctions and North America has a many of these "Robin Hood" modern.

Did anyone see Die Hard 4?

The issue is simple: Prove the whole world depends on computing the point where it can go into crisis by a virus (any virus not obviously ). Everything is computerized now only takes one unhappy employee to create chaos and prove their point.

Assange Confront is not only to injure a man because we are all aware that America can and usually plays dirty in terms of achieving their ambitions respect human life regardless of who plays for it and not only lives but also foreign nationals ( and return to the Twin orres T ) Assange face is declaring war on hackers, those who give direct hits but without showing proof of this happened with the banks that broke away from their obligations, in just 24 hours will be sent an invoice. I guess that is the reason for the "diplomacy" U.S..

Trashing the reputation with something so outrageous is just a first step, a chess move, do not throw the biggest blow strong enough now just to make it immobilized, draw more attention to a violation by the curiosity aroused, the victim (in this case Assange ) gets stuck and exposed to the world, the immobilized ( in theory, of course ) and point an accusing finger even more bloody: Kill reputation.

In this case, and fortunately this maneuver only served for one thing: making more noise about Wikileaks. It was a dangerous maneuver, but effective, attention is further enhanced by the general public who watches the movements of both parties. Everyone knows that if Assange disappears somehow, in any way the responsibility of EU and all those anonymous informants that move in the internet will go on the defensive against the responsible. Is that what good? I guess the consequences would be so difficult to define.

Public Enemy taught us not only with weapons that has a certain sector of government, but in essence showed the tools that those who are fluent in binary language he is now the most feared enemy that any nation can have.

Do you think I exaggerate?, Want proof?

blogging is my hope that these issues are not as irrelevant or unknown as those away from the internet and are satisfied with using Twitter or Facebook, so the next article will ... interesting.

PD. I know he has angelic face, but his face reflects exactly what it is.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ervamatin 2010 Result

To begin, I thank my old readers, I welcome new and appreciate the patience they have had for my lack of attention to my beloved blog, but mostly I admire even have more patience to read my ramblings and fantastic opinions ("they thought it could be so modest? Do not be naive.)

Now, I could make a list of Year's resolutions about the blog and future posts that could find and read but still I would like forecasting the weather: No prediction is reliable.

aside talk of me and taking into account that put the title of the entry will not put my purposes ( in fact only one purpose only has a 80% probability of change over the months which is read over 50 books, last year I did not ), but I will focus on the purposes themselves.

purposes say or write could be a simple tradition that is less important the second day of January or a list of future frustration in theory affect our peace and inner peace, I say "in theory" because if by January 2 lost significance, for day three is something that erased January amnesia.

Who really makes purposes as such?

not know about you but for me it is like a wish for each grape that you stuffed into the last bell of the year, which proudly announced that I did, twelve grapes in my mouth and part of throat before the last stroke, who thinks wants when the only goal is to swallow twelve grapes? Women are multitasking, I know, but twelve grapes in the mouth threatening to suffocate you put priority does not drown in order desires that you know will not be met unless you put your hand and is therefore something that You can chat with you same with more ease and depending on current needs.

purposes Do you still want? Indeed they are fools!

Well, due to the many complaints of lack of blogueriles purposes, here are the ten purposes / promises / threats / warnings, as they want to see them:

1. Make periodic publications.
2. Post good content. (Hey, always good)
3. Reviews in general, in particular ... Jebus and I do not get along.
4. Regular updates of the column left "? "Right? ... column.
5. Continue answering each comment. I love comments. Please comment. Thanks.
6. If not comment multicolored balloons appear in your room "floating All " remember?
7. Threatening not to return to my readers.
8. Start my sect that worships MONESVOL and my word has the same value as the Koran that obliges them to give me money ... I feel that this idea is already old.
9. Will change the look of the blog as often as necessary.
10. Hacker faithfully support the rebellion.

know that 10 is not intended as such but I ended up purposes.

PD1. Have you noticed that in the part of "tags" are subliminal messages? I hope you could put a foil hat before reading this blog, not going to be crazy and do embarrassing things.

. With regard to # 7, restrictions apply.

PD3. Nothing like a picture "innocent" for the post run the risk of not being read. It's just a filter, nothing personal.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Buying A Honda Baja In Cambodia


Hello girls! Here I bring you, after all this time, the songs of some TV ads regarding perfumes. Hope you like and enjoy listening. Chao!


Drive My Car, The Beatles

Not on the guest list, Marco Dos Santos

Hope There's Someone, Antony and The Johsons

Monday, January 3, 2011

How To Find %w/w Given

Purposes One Moment, Please

I have not removed from anonymous or have gone far I have lost the ring of power or Jebus finally released me I asked Ray for months, I'm alive, I'm still breathing and possibly drunk, so be patient ... Just in case.

PD. Amazing! This time I will not blame Jebus ... even if we consider that it was He who made the water wine, well ...