For some that word can mean a lot, others now removed from the USB port memory. For some it is a living thing, for others ... I hope well.
The previous post I decided to publish this post highbrow due to give a slight idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he spoke, the importance of the Hackers, the task of Assange and importance, but above all and although many believe that Bruce Willis is old and the film is of extreme violence should not miss Die Hard 4.0.
The protagonist of Today is Stuxnet, sound familiar?
In short:
Stuxnet is a wonderful worm was discovered in June 2010 by VirusBlokAda and wonder what is special about the worm, there are many Trojans is not it ?, how great this worm is that blimp and quiet.
Stuxnet travels through the USB sticks ( insurance as much as your USB port removed ... if not already done so, they will soon, though later ) infects and looking back wincc only a goal that runs on Windows ( nothing unusual ), if the worm is not WinCC nothing happens, only the hard copy waiting for transport, be it USB memory, cellular networks, including those used by printers ( as the ring of power waiting Smeagoll or Bilbo Baggins).
SIEMENS himself warned his clients that SCADA ( Control Management System, Monitoring and Data Acquisition ) was vulnerable to the virus. SCADA control valves, production lines and industrial equipment in general, in other words, a large industrial giant can be halted and perhaps even destroyed by the worm, according to what is scheduled.
Stuxnet By August 45 000 machines had been infected and this infection is growing exponentially due to the way silently infect.
What is surprising is that this virus does not attack everyone, the goal is singular ( many speculate it has to do with the production of nuclear weapons ) and so far unnamed, in addition to the natural advantages of being a virus, launch a direct hit without the abuser is exposed.
This opens a new space of war it is not detrimental for prejudice in this case the enemy attacks says quietly but directly, this type of policy could trigger false accusations resulting in an international conflict .
movie sounds I know but for obvious reasons many of us know that nothing is improbable. In the century where everything is scheduled national security, vital information and pirated movies are at the mercy of those chattering binorianos willing to defend the creed of free information, mercenaries willing to put their skills to the military order that better pay and some others who do not know where you engage in a way leaves us vulnerable to cyber attacks. I guess everything has its pros and cons.
PD. Source: Quo No. 159, January 2011.
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