"There is no language more universal than the language of the soul: Art . "
Thursday, March 31, 2011
When To Stop Using Effudix
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Prignancy Care Detail
I concentrate on all the good reasons today, as I need it.
Indeed Coke commercials like me because they have hope, positivity and until now have not been commonplace, ordinary or unpleasant (perhaps because I have no tv, but I hope they do not change their spin)
"For every tank is manufactured in the world ... 131 000 plushies manufactured.
For each stock exchange plummets ... There are 10 versions of "What a Wonderful World."
For every corrupt person ... There are 8 000 donating blood.
For every wall there ... 200 000 rugs are made of "Welcome." While 1 Scientific
designed a new weapon ... there are 1 million moms making chocolate cakes. Worldwide
more money is printed Monopoly dollars.
More funny videos on internet ... but bad news around the world.
LOVE FEAR has more results.
For every person who says that everything will be worse ... There are 100 pairs looking for a child.
For every gun sold in the world ... 20 000 people share a Coca-Cola. "
Although I very much agree with what the song's music and sing beautiful music is beautiful.
Monday, March 28, 2011
How To Make A Guinea Pig Cosy Cup
Now, masochism is bad?
In The Apology of Socrates is a part where he describes how pain can be a source of pleasure ( read well, said Socrates, no Sade ) And points when he removed the shackles and start rubbing the area where it hurt metals, that provided him with a pleasure, a pleasure to come of suffering caused by the shackles. If he had not been shackled had not had the chance to feel pleasure after they are removed. That can lead to conclusions sick, and those who cut the skin to feel pleasure, that is not right. An optimist would say that Socrates saw the good side of bad, but then came the hemlock, then the optimist is an idiot, right?
Go! I deviate too much.
. Since the beginning of humanity that gives pleasure by the pain: Gods invent, invent sacrifices, have children and so on, so the answer to the question could be a big No, but we see no good to those who are cut then could say that masochism Yes is bad, or just to stay out of trouble, we suggest that everything in life is relative and changing the subject.
And beyond how's the weather?
How Long Takes Temazepam Works
Yesterday looked down, but suddenly began to cough a lot, spitting up phlegm and it was boiling. We gave him medicine and bathe temperature lowered fever and hoping to improve earlier today to see a doctor, it was not, we had to take to the hospital minutes later she was cold and shivering, fell asleep a few minutes but weird stuff trembled and talked, everything was super fast. Thank God nothing serious, it's a throat infection (which combined with allergy is super annoying). Today
school was not closed at 11.15.
just wrote this note dedicated to all moms who are complaining today perhaps the mess they make their children, how much I go running, gitando, etc. Do not, believe me it is absolutely preferable that: they are happy and healthy children to a view straight, cansaditos, his eyes sad, tearful, with pain, cough, sick ...
Blessings to all.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Cocktail Waitress At Strip Club
not remember how I found this song, but oh, I liked. It is entitled "Love is Not a Fight", I looked on youtube, obviously, and I liked it even more.
Think about it, but most of all live it. At least I will.
A fight! My respect
Warren Barfield. Thank you (at least for this song, I know nothing more about him or his music)
Love is not a place, to come and go as we please,
it is a house we enter in, And Then commit to never leave,
so lock the door behind you, throw away the key,
we’ll work it out together, let it bring us to our knees
Love is a shelter in a raging storm; Love is a peace in a middle of a war, and if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.
No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.
To some love is a word that they can fall into, but when they’re falling out, keeping their word is hard to do
Love is a shelter in a raging storm; Love is peace in a middle of a war, but if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.
No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.
Love will come to save us, if we’ll only call, he will ask nothing from us, but demand we’ll give our all.
Love is a shelter in a raging storm; Love is a peace in a middle of a war, and if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.
No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.
I will fight for you!
Would you fight for me?
It’s worth fighting for.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Should I Text My Ex During Christmas
For Sin is devastated Japan with Earthquake, Tsunami, nuclear alert and victims - 2011
I think everyone is entitled to write whatever they please, and myself believe that I have every right to complain about what they write.
If you follow the reasoning (if that is what you can call it), if the whole city was destroyed by treacherous plan of the Lord and not have life on this planet.
destruction I think that is enough for us all alone and not necessarily the intervention of God "merciful" has to do with misfortune.
One thing is that they can pass judging people while they beat their breasts and quite another to point fingers and say misfortune "deserve"
No know about you but I'm going out to curse the infernal heat of spring.
I know it has nothing to do, but I think is the most logical thing I can do.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hyundai Coupe Remove Radio
Tus grititos de alegrÃa hacen que nuestras cabezas siempre giren a donde estás tú. Balbuceos deliciosos a nuestros oÃdos. Se te salen ruiditos que suenan “mamá” (Obviously no relation to me, just to play with your mouth) but it's nice to imagine what will you call me when they do so consciously. The super
if I give a bag of metal packaging can last as long sonándola and seeing as though it were a precious treasure (mmmm if you knew what you know you'd be surprised!)
You love to give you hands to sit and stand, sit and stand and hold you and jump well. Much you exercise your legs.
you get scared with loud noises, strange because at home there is always noise. You sound horrified braun, with the porridge I do, I really think you hate him, I have set about to touch it and see that nothing happens, that vibrates like it has helped, although it is bothering you and not cry.
You sit alone and, even when you win the emotion and fins as if suddenly fly or go sideways or backwards so you have to take care.
Your first "grace" was to trumpets, then blow like you're pulling kiss (in particular my favorite!) After stops to (very slowly as if you were careful not to hit us) and the "eyes" mad at anybody.
you really love your brother with you, is a loving brother and always gives you kisses and hugs until it fills you and you seem to throw it away with your hands (or feet! type kicks!).
feel a strong connection unexpectedly appeared between your dad and you. It's awesome. Comes home from work and you light up, you shout, and flaps to lift you. It's beautiful how you open your eyes and follow it with their eyes wherever he goes. Loves you, really loves you. Always says, "needs to be rocked," "need love", "needs to be lifted" and all kinds of "needs to be :_______" as if reading your mind and really pampers you.
have a look as sharp and sometimes I think he spoke to me eyes.
The food you love it! already have 1 month eating. Press with "ah, ah, ah" for demos you soon, so I'm teaching manners in the high chair hehe. The sign language training is going well, I much prefer to say "done" that "more" when you're eating. Just the day you turned 7 was your last shot ... snif. (I was sick and could harm you)
're funny you're perfect. No teeth are slow to appear I guess because you chew your tongue and play and talking to crush your gums.
To date, the more you laugh and laugh, but laugh aloud why is JR!
When you want to be lifted and we come to you, do not wake up to touch my hand and I love how slowly closer to mine and expectant, as gently and then you smile to see that "works"!
I love you, I do not know how I melt with your cejitas forming a triangle framed on your face.
have been 7 great months RG.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Driver Nvidia Tnt2 Model 64 Pro6.14.10.5673
have doors in our homes, we have locks, as happens with cars. There are banks, surveillance and monitoring systems, alarms to warn when the things we consider valuable are secure. Even with these security measures are stolen ... how much more if we let the weather? Would not having more careful what you put in me and that is not bought with money, or any material thing?
understand the term "open mind" in its positive sense, the use and exercise the brain, create, innovate, try new things but also in a very negative is that I consider dangerous. I read a real nice and sentence of a NASA engineer James Oberg says: " Keep an open mind, But not so open your brains fall or That ut ." (Keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls).
is strange and do not understand. Why society and the current value system and invites diffuses to have an "open mind"? Why would that leave my mind open to anything they want put on it? Why leave my mind open to the evil before, the unthinkable, unnatural, and rare to new philosophies without foundation?. It is as if I left my mouth open with a bottle of poison that want to drink.
When do authorities, parents, teachers accept such an absurd term? Why do we accept and even encourage our children to have an "open mind" to all types of aberrant ideas?
Is not it our responsibility to teach them to put padlocks, security filters and at what put in your mind and heart?
Nutritionists teach that "we are what we eat, so does the mind: are what you eat.
If you are served a plate of scrub, excrement and rotting you eat it? Some media broadcast all sorts of content, some disgusting, some junk, decay and bacteria that only pollute our being. Why would eating programs with criticism, gossip, ridicule, scorn, wickedness, violence and morbid?
" Prove all things, hold good. Abstain from all appearance of evil . (1Tesalonisenses 5:21-22). People do not even have fear of God refrain from these contents flights up to common sense, culture! (Soap operas and talk shows for example) much more of us who want the mind of Christ!
What will happen to families, society, our world if we allow our minds among all, if it spreads more evil than virtue, if there are no filters between the good, moral, acceptable , the decent, the beauty and truth?
No, actually, in this respect I am not, nor want to be "open mind", the Bible shows me a good filter to live and I want it, need it! I want to be open-minded to " ... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, these things "(Philippians 4:8)
I care what my eyes see, what my ears hear and what I think.
What am I filling my treasure? What food my heart? What I see when I look into? What you put in, so I choose carefully. "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good, and the evil of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil: for of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks "(Luke 6:45)
I want to fill life, his Word, I want to be filled with Him
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Bbw Womenwrestling Nigeria
Not that I have nothing to write, now is the time and my work it has taken against me. Where are those beautiful days when I sat down to read blogs, write post and read books for hours and where yawning was the ticking of the day?
Do not get so indispensable to the point where they can not manage without you.
miss those days they had to show my card to let me go because no one recognized me as an employee of the company, half the world now knows my name, the other half is calling the "Shh, shh" but I guess it's because of their inability to form complete sentences.
What is now pressing Japan.
As I learned of the disaster immediately came to my mind my Japanese teacher, the young Japanese that I looked ugly when I interviewed him and the only thing I understood was that he lived in Kyoto and corrected my pronunciation like I was Forrest Gump and the last thing: if I can still remember all the Japanese alphabet.
I know that the latter is not very relevant, but so does my brain.
It's amazing the reactions that this news of natural disasters in particular, from worry, anxiety, grief to those who believe that putting a Hashtag Twitter from "PrayforJapan" save the world.
reactions are different from those caused by terrorist attacks, which generate a general and unanimous feeling: Courage.
As the planet that many attacks we conclude that Mother Nature is calling for better treatment or Jebus punish us for thinking freely, or, like me I see that the planet is restarting.
Prophecies no shortage. That alone is a prelude for what lies ahead in 2012 (incidentally, I did not like the movie is more interesting in The Day After Tomorrow ) that if a cycle is to be closed and another will begin , which is due to the mini-ice age is coming which will last about 80 years but that its rise will be up within 25 years, which disappointed me quite like Tiff said: "In 25 years until the heat is going to get cold"
There is a group of people who believe that after 2012 is going to start a better stage in the history of mankind.
I personally think that the uncertainty does not leave us, so the need to believe prophecies, seeing signs in natural events, ask Aunt Wu to read the clouds and see if the volcano will erupt or not.
Honestly I believe more in the theory of Dr. Parnassus: While a story is told the man continue to exist, because the world argues for the imagination.
Some say the world will succumb to fire.
Other than ice. From what I've tasted of desire
am for those who bet on the fire.
But if the world perish twice,
think about destruction,
ice is also large enough.
Robert Frost
Linda morning talking about the apocalypse.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Royal Blue Shirt Black Tie
Today too my teeth ached, my ears popped, my head hurt.
are already several days and especially today I feel physical discomfort. I have not slept well at all actually.
Today I go to the dentist, I go to the doctor, I injected now. Yes, there have been days of uncomfortable things, sad news, unpleasant things, and want to mourn.
Today I saw the images of Japan and all of my "problems" is comparable to that, nothing that can hurt you feel or think or compare.
I think today is not so much a matter of perspective, but from reality.
While the problems are solvable problems.
I can not complain, grieving or surrender.
No, you can not complain, give up or mourn.
Their children died in that disaster, are taking iodine radiation, homeless, shelter, food, water, lost everything. Here are food, water, shelter, a pleasant climate, stable ground.
I hope all this disaster and earthquake shake our minds and hearts, that we become more sensitive to the pain of our brothers in Japan who weep now, who are now suffering and real reasons. If the ice and not swim and was desperate to make a ridiculous comparison, now consider the real and irreversible loss of this country. This disaster is incomprehensible and stratospheric.
No, we can not complain, we can not mourn. If
up 1 time, do it again, with the help of God.
Let's pray.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Quotes For Softball Pitcher
Since I have wireless (that sounded im old) I know very few phones, confessed by him. Now all the numbers are either in the phone memory or the chip.
I do not know what would happen if my cell again undergoes a sudden death, suffocated to be precise (Sighs).
Anyway, I think about the importance of memorizing to keep the brain active, before he tried again, with more than ever now. Google.com say that all does not mean I can not use my brain and make connections and teach JR to do, to memorize. After bathing
read 3 stories. Invited him to record appointments where they are and if remember tomorrow I will give 1 ball bublubu (prize he chose) for each event to remember.
I can almost be sure that the 3. Let's see if I remember:
- David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
- Daniel in the lion's den (Daniel 6)
- Jonah and the great fish (Jonah 1-3)
Oh yes, chécame, I think I passed the exam, also deserve the 3 balls ... oh yeah ... bubulubo
you doing to exercise your memory and your children?
Girdles And Nylonstockings
Today reminded me that I'm all woman.
I have no deep entry for today, I am a woman and women sometimes we feel like writing a lot and sometimes not.
cute is what being a woman, have different moods.
Today was a happy day, is not happy when we do not want to see him happy, women generally see him happy.
enjoyed a birthday full of women, 1 man, 1 child and a baby.
My heart flew.
My heart I think that it sleeps.
My mind is wide awake after a late lunch with the kids and feasting, and RG ... our 1st day of women together.
was a good day, and strangely celebrated female, why not more or less important.
love writing, I can not avoid. I´m a girl, a happy one.