Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Confirm Pregnat

what never changes I had an epiphany

... in fact it was only insomnia.

After more than a month of sleeping less than five hours per day for this curse that says, "nothing momentous born in conditions not sleep like everyone else y. .. then no longer caught my eye, I got an idea.

have been thinking that atheists are and the X men: half are rejected by Solcialmente think differently (as usual ), not needing a superior being, believing more in ourselves than something non-existent and all the other attitudes that we very much against of believers around us. Somehow we walk feeling a minority.

But I really think that if we metiƩramos to "Brain" (not the mouse ) with Professor Xavier and show us the red dots and white dots that we would see more than those not belong to faithfully religious doctrine, and thus includes those who are closet atheists.

I have met many people who claim to believe just in case, ie, it is more a habit or because they were taught to believe in something, which does not necessarily mean they really believe. Point for atheists.

Customs outweigh the reasons but have no basis in our operating system, which is why we fail to load if all customs on our backs, we would realize that we are more those we have no faith in the faith. Curious.

closet atheists are something very strange ( or pathetic, depending on how they want to watch ) because they dare to say that they believe in anything for fear of rejection or fear to take awareness that each governed his life, that there is a God who loves you or hates ( depends case), but inside they know that their faith is a myth, an idea planted in the first level of sleep and logically know that this is not true, but do not say.

Personally speaking, in my case, believing it was more a habit that fortunately my parents had no more than take me to Mass only on important dates and occasionally pray at night and I did it because they did.

In my childhood religion played a really important so I did not care whether or not to pray. When he reached adolescence, and I entered the world of books and walk through the morning fog ( those precious years when the winter was not a myth ) and when I realized that he preferred to stay at home watching a good movie instead of going Mass realized that my faith was not faith but practice, so at the time of cheeks rosy and innocent eyes I saw how corrupt was the religious system ( not bother Jebus is the truth).

Now, if you ask my opinion, I recommend that at the earliest insomnia knocked him out with those capsules for the flu, those that have a liquid center and are green or purple, these sleep because you you sleep.

PD. The Jebus I address is not hypocrisy, I think it's called schizophrenia hear voices of people who are not or do not exist.


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