Order, order, such a beautiful word, so precious and sought noun, adjective and delicious longed for my surroundings.
When one area of \u200b\u200bmy life is spiraling out of control is generally mess. When looking mess, we need God in that area.
'll tell you a personal example. Today a friend phoned me and gave me a major proposal on monitoring your weight. If you're near me realize that I have enough extra kilos, they left over from my last pregnancy, it's been 7 months and I just do not like, but I've grown. If I may confess it has been extremely frustrating, it has been combined with almost chronic fatigue, illness (of 4) and lack of sleep. Usually I like to write about personal things frustrating here, I think that everyone already faces enough challenges and hear and read bad news in different media and to still read me, but I decided to do it if you can perhaps encouraging to know that you are not fighting alone (a).
you could whine and complain using the excuses we've heard ever: "I have no time, I have no budget ... go to a gym or for an operation or for someone to clean my house and have more time for me or for someone to look after children in what army I diet or payment or make special meals I could put a thousand and one excuses but now I feel like it, just know I need to bring order to that aspect of my life, because it is interfering with others, is having consequences for an almost chronic fatigue and sleep. RG breastfed have been worth it and I regret it, and concluded that stage and need to focus on organizing all to adapt to new change. I need to order also my dream to do better, to continue with activities and I know I should do, cleaning, timetables, menus, etc..
all have the same opportunity to act and orders even if we all face different circumstances and challenges, we all have different resources and budgets, reasons and motivation. When you do not put some order to all areas of your life can turn into a vicious cycle and when not ordered life tends to chaos. That is the law in the world with humans, we tend to entropy.
is a blessing to have people who only judge, criticize, give thousand and one ideas of how they do have order and crush with words and attitudes haughty and proud, you excited, understand, help, pushed and have to pray for you so you can move forward and go beyond. It is extremely rewarding that someone sees some value in you even when your not able to see the disorder there is.
Maybe for you is very simple to keep your life orderly, I do not know, I do know is that the order is pleasing to God, from the first made a place for everything and everything in its place, from the beginning put time for all, marked the day and night in a fairly noticeable. I think I enjoy the order because I have part of him in me and I know that will help me sort my life at this stage and in the following. I know that when we take care of life immediately inside the outer life is a reflection of her and everything falls into place when the main thing is our relationship with Him, everything else takes their place and their share and importance in life, neither more nor less , what is just, necessary, healthy, I want the
straighten my steps (Prov. 16:9)
want him to be Lord of my way and order my steps and my life itself. (Jeremiah 10:23) I
order. Perhaps
tell you after the progress I've had in this area, maybe not. What I wanted to tell you today is that Pay attention to any part of your life that needs to order. Let us ask God for help and let 'also action.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct thy paths . " Proverbs 3:5-6
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