Monday, February 21, 2011

How Much Is A Haircut In Bench Fix?

Perspectives and Views

Before the subject of this post I want to do a little review of the previous entry to a comment in particular that of Ana Eel ( Hi, Ana Eel ) who personally thank happens followed by my blog and leave comments. Your comments are those who always have a different perspective than mentioned here, the genius ( without sarcasm, I swear ) is that they add a touch of controversy that is worth considering and in some ways is more focused and has more common sense sometimes I use in my publications. The latter is what I will illustrate:

"Also I had been thinking about this issue. We should say:" Work ... and do not smoke ... watch your sugar ... their triglycerides ... Ignore the ads "

If, however, than the bombardment of commercials or the patient's faith in these" miracles ", my conclusion is that the real problem is that these people are NOT committed to their own health, whether for reasons (excuses) of time, effort or money. They want to be "healthy" but are unwilling to change their lifestyle.

not undertake to devote the time needed to exercise, stop eating what is hurting them, or in order to "take care" in the long term (life). Looking for So quick fixes, immediate "miracle." Unwilling to impose upon themselves the bare minimum to take care of your body: no lack of neurons and discipline.

"Look after your body's first 50 years, and he'll look after you the next 50" "

See what I mean? Not think anybody can put a "but" their arguments with such common sense explicit (and beautiful spelling) and rightly so ... I am rather pessimistic ...?, "derogatory?, are you missing faith / consideration to humanity in general? ... I do not know ...

wanted to mention first because he is absolutely right, sometimes laziness and bad habits are stronger than the true desire to be well.

The second is because I have a different way of looking at the issue. I am a healthy person, the kind that do not get sick more than once a year, I can walk in the rain and wind and cold without getting the flu, my diet mainly based on the what I like, I hate vegetables and more if they're green ( except lettuce and a few others used in salads ) so you can imagine I do not care much my diet. If you know me as well. Point.

Maybe it's my DNA, or genetic thing that makes me keep in good condition despite not pay much attention to my habits ( ah, I'm also very fond of exercise and little sleep) but I do not smoke, they drink and not to mention the caffeine I eat like fountain of youth.

"Small review? Ok, I'm going to end. The point is that I am of the idea of \u200b\u200bcaring What if the final costume you're going to deliver? It is best to take advantage and the worms eat only the leftovers ( in my case I want to be incinerated, so of claustrophobia and Poe and buried alive ), if the end can save a body, later, but as luck next time. Stay involved.

There are those who tell me that maybe now everything is perfect but in a few years I have to pay the bill, but I'm the same, why should I worry about the posterity? What did it for me? ( the phrase is from Groucho Marx, obviously ) I am of those who live now now. Sometimes I realize that is not the most intelligent, but only sometimes, those moments pass and I see them let go. Sometimes I'm so smart.

Suicide "unconscious? Please!, We're all dying. Perhaps the only thing I'm doing ( like everyone else, if you think a little ) is to decide how and how quickly I want to disappear, that's all.

Well, what was coming.

was checking some old magazines where I found some articles relating to the emos and their early today ( its principles are supposed to date from the late 80's, early 90's ) now show its strong resurgence in the year of the influenza ("2009?, whatever) and now where I went to eat were a few gals in a tone of market women talking about vampires from conservative to ignorant attitudes to such issues and trends.

urban tribes.

born by that need to be part of something. Point. Any extra information is based on the above and I personally respect them. In my opinion I can compare the religions, some are quite interesting ( goths or darks, for example, I really look like a respectable tribe, leaving aside those who make coat to the outside, most often very artistic develop some skill with such passion and exceptional expertise and admirable. I tried many in my young age and I always liked his music, literature, dress monochrome Weird conversations, finally, are the ones that I like ) other better and as many do not know that having their colorful landscapes.

There are so many tribes and religions, so I'll just concentrate on one: The Emos.

Why the tortured Emos? Because frankly I consider more a fad than a tribe, because the trends were sad and poor copies of other tribes ( darks, gothic, punk, strawberries ... Oh yeah, and as many BUR) with a simple flag and ideas as empty as originality, but above all: FASHION. They went and took Jack and the work of Tim Burton as the flag of their movement. Sad. (Ja).

I loved when they demonstrated to demand respect for their "current?" on rest days and days of influenza, where they were to make their march to a city break. Great!

clarify that I did not agree with the assaults suffered by some who called Gothic, say they were called, because a dark gothic or if you imitate it and less if they do so bad.

The point is that it seems a baseless motion is like U.S. population but has no roots, even traditions. The emotion comes from "emotional", ie that its members are essentially emotional, their songs are emotional, their lives are purely emotional ... Is there something different here? I mean, every good musician, every good artist, all bipedalism ( mostly) live emotions, feeling emotions, emotions sings, paints emotions and I do not mean that we are all emos for being emotional beings, but to miss these emos are nothing special do you explain?, well, maybe his great obsession with tight clothing, bulimia, anorexia and their desire for suicide as "I'm young and I just want to draw attention " Apart from that and depression painted flat black and pink have nothing.

Music. Groups flagged Emo: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, "Belinda? Whatever some are good, some believe that are no good rock, pop, punk, and combinations thereof or any sub-genre or classification. I do not know, it all seems merely commercial.

Public Emo: Do \u200b\u200bnot take it very personal, this is merely my point of view and that is unfortunately what they reflect the world. Let's face it: his movement is predominant in adolescents, the predominant fashion in the mass purchasing power, and his hair dominates half of his face ( which I think is really dangerous o). Jebus, even hipsters have originality ( if we do not have the inclination to sweaters to Cesar Costa ) and I think that's mainly what they really need to be called "urban tribe" not fashionable and earn respect among which are.

PD. Sorry if someone feels threatened, insulted, hurt, if provoked suicidal thoughts but do not forget the purpose of the blog And the first amendment, free speech and that is MY blog. End transmission.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nadine Jansen Play Tennis

The lack of oxygen

Usually I'm not in favor of continued reading news, my main motives are to raise my self esteem to say "they are more screwed I ", or upcoming releases movie, book fairs, Assange, cultural exhibitions, plays and other little things merely personal interest and entertainment.

Today was one of those days and although my main purpose was not saying " the world is a mess "I said.

Lately I've lived so long in me that I have not noticed what's going out of my mind except, of course, the infomercials that prevented me from fully enjoying Hitch on Sunday. Increased miracle product announcements unexpectedly reached ridiculous levels, but in my naivete and utopianism that moves the world in my head that project to world looks from the window I never imagined that some thinking being truly was a client of such deceit. The good news is that the latter was true, lo malo es que hay mucha más gente no pensante afuera, la verdad no sé si son personas realmente, tal vez sean extraterrestres ingenuos, lo que sea que haya afuera de algo estoy segura: sin lugar a dudas es estúpido.

Puedo entender que hay personas que viven con algún malestar o enfermedad incurable, puedo entender que esperen milagros, puedo entender que crean que algún Dios les ha enviado una enfermedad para probar cuánto resisten al dolor o sufrimiento pero lo que no me cabe en la cabeza es que vayan corriendo tras el primer boticario que les dice que al beber orina de ballena o engullir segregaciones de algunas especies realmente asquerosas su vida va a mejorar, van to be healthy and beautiful, why might not stay with the version of God "merciful " so even their tests are much cheaper than the products that remedy and thus free of the endless propaganda.

Mexico is a country without reforms to regulate the entry of products harmful to health, almost have a sign on the front that says " if you can send it by courier , I bought "Today the problem got so finally are giving the task of putting more attention, since it appears that the population suffers from a very serious intellectual deficit ( if you ask me is the lack of oxygen ), it is unfortunate that some people need to be told how to fuck beware of cheap propaganda, because even trade are idiots, are aimed at a public believer in miracles stupidly, which for some is really offensive.

Sometimes life is usually so simple that some people do not realize this, as they say, in some circumstances the best answer is simple: If you suffer from overweight, exercise, and stop eat, if you do badly in life neglect are not alone so do not feel special, you suffer from painful terminal illness and supports euthanasia, these depressed, buy clothes choking ( black, pink and purple are the official colors in horizontal style Freddy Krueger) half cover your face with hair and threatening to commit suicide without it ( albeit with limited vision may instead be transformed suicide accidental death) and other things like that. What is the difficulty?

good thing I know I can draw from this, perhaps If I advertised as a daughter of a mermaid and Neptune people adore me and make me rich. If one believed what Why would not believe me?

Oh, sorry, also fall within the circle of cheap advertising. I think it is a contagious disease.

PD. Sometimes he misses the old remedies. How I love to see mindless eating worms! Would be even more interesting to see how to swallow pills.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kates Playground Zip Set 23

No Hard Feelings, February

February, the cloying February.

February is like the annoying child smeared with sticky things, and with people being more stupid than usual, more cumbersome, less conscious and more irritating. "I exaggerate? No, just a moment to leave the street to a park avenue, metro station to find lovebirds cluttering embraced middle of the sidewalk, hallway, entry and other public places ( the picture says it all ).

imposble look is a showcase that is not awash in pink in all its forms and presentations in less imaginative items. Have you seen a pink cow? Ah, for those already on the market claiming a sentence of a brain recovering from a botched lobotimía.

I'm not bitter, I'm no killjoy, let alone that I am against the children be given the task of taking a day to smear the whole world in a spirit rather than hypocritical and to be honest me the creeps.

I mind a fuck if it were not for tomorrow, people stand up for the sole purpose of making a shrill voice, listen to songs of disgust for unnecessary reasons and wanting to arrest anyone from suffocating hugs and silly words.

My playlist ( which is in my other blog: Here ) is a collection of songs that sing happy not because they are against those words of four letters ( that if someone dares to mention it deserves an appointment with the guillotine ), but because they are closer to my version of what relationships represent the other 364 days a year. To be honest Amy Winehouse is a consummate prophet.

This is not bitterness towards that date, in fact, in February had never meant anything good or anything bad, but to his credit one is tomorrow. By Tuesday we are all in a day of the week, in a day of the month, in a day of the year so you just have to hold your breath and bring earplugs for the duration of a stay out as long as contact with the mass of sheep giving flowers, teddy bears and other silly little things that drives the economy of informal trade.

Right now regret not having some little things to develop manual skills and sell them at exorbitant prices to the bipeds sick ... Although I guess my aversion to pink scrubs and other tone-retina would prevent me from doing things "right" for the harvest. a shame!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Puppys Butt Is Red And Inflamed

Heels & Library

Go! Abandonment of new Who would suspect?

Come on, you have to leave the blame to one side. I know I miss ... in fact I do not know and if they do, well, the case is the same.

In recent weeks, I returned to my beloved custom spend whole days surrounded by shelves of books, my favorite smell, my hobby, my oasis in the desert and everything imaginable cloying . If you leave all sticky sorry, it happens when I talk about books and libraries. Also movies. And music.

efebos When all teenagers were on holiday used to fill the library just to take the computers with internet and connect to messenger and other social networks. Funny, I I go to get away from it all, as it does not matter.

Now that classes have resumed I am delighted that the library looks more empty, so I chose three books again after reviewing copies of Emma ... which reminds me: " If someone found a letter in a copy of Emma by Jane Austen in the Vasconcelos, return, ES MY "

Focusing on the point of the post: Ignorant people abound in the world, we all know and usually do not matter to me that people in my world intrudes .

Especificaré: I hate people when they do not know behave in certain precincts and spaces that deserve consideration and respect we can give!. In the movies do not need the silly with cell ringing every five minutes during the whole show, not missing the idiot who replied, not missing the couple behind your seat or kissing and kicking doing disgusting sucking noises or mutually explaining every damn scene in the movie as if it were mentally retarded. Thanks, Adonis, to describe the scene that everyone is watching, we could not understand it without your wise intervention. The same applies in theaters and museums.

abound in the library but just murmur enough to find a peaceful lugarcillo ignore you settle for everyone, with or without music, depending on whether or not distracting. To me, the best way to read it alone, without distractions or glances furtively. That's why I love big libraries you can go for a good place to take root.

During these visits there was a small detail that used to take me out of my boxes: The Noisy Heels. At each visit holy Missed not a chick who was walking around with their loud and annoying heels, came and went, up and down, he stumbled and went again. Tiqui, tiqui, tiqui, tiqui, tiqui ...

Bah, I really desperate silly women moving from place to place announcing his visit to the world with rhythmic sounds and stressful. Why Why go heeled to the library? If it is to reach high shelves, that is arranged with the help of another book or benches I've seen in the hallways. You go to the library to be Nerd, Nerd not need heels, you go with your plaid shirt as Clark Kent and no one will look ugly, you can go with your Coke-bottle lenses and you're in your element.

brains in a library is cultivated, remember that one small change in the incubation and the result can give a being between Alpha and Beta, what will become of that individual?, " really want that on your conscience?

Yes, I'm listening to Limp Bizkit And?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back Pain Above Waistline

The New Offense Offense Is The Old

Two words: Top Gear.

Top Gear is a UK program that handles the formula car + black humor, but you already knew this because it is very hard to get you to the internet and not see it in writing, not to mention that Twitter is full of comments.

All this because the Mastretta brothers ( nothing to do with the writer ) presented Mexican sports car.

The opinions range from censure to the light that they take a joke, to outrage, anger and other emotions that I can not understand.

I already said that the Labyrinth of Solitude was not good.

Many will want to lynch me: How dare you criticize a country Nobel prize? "The Labyrinth is a classic," We must canonize Octavio Paz "

Me wonder if there is any secret society that is dedicated to disappear, those who criticize the classics. In my opinion Romeo and Juliet by William is so incoherent and inconsistent with their characters and plot that undoubtedly lie between readings for teens. Let's face it, Romeo is an idiot, but that's another story.

I wonder how that rise offended by such harsh criticism of the Mexican people to be welcome and we rose to the neck with El Laberinto De La Soledad.

We horrible stigma that for the world and we botudos sombrerudos paunchy as the mouse Speedy Gonzalez, perceive us as such, and if we add the great Mexican film technique also adds foul-mouthed, where everyone is or strawberries or between colleagues, idiots or thugs, fools and addicts and failure to create decent movies with interesting plots without recourse to the morbid scene full of sex and violence, and how dare it not to complain, but of course we are outraged when he snatched the Oscar for Amores Perros.

We get angry that foreigners criticize us as lazy when they lack the video of Representatives / Senators taking nap in the middle of their boards or perennial plants of the EMS with no less acceptable facade, but if the criticism comes from a fellow say, Octavio Paz, where he is adding "we have beautiful manners" and "beautiful feelings" there if we raise the neck and applaud the critic.

I'm not saying that The Maze is false, it obviously was and is true for most people, but Jebus! is as if we enorgulleciéramos of those bad habits, it is stories like cheer or love Violet Perfume where it hurt like I said, do not show another face in our country the only thing you find is sex, rape, beatings, ignorance, drugs and other ills of our society do something really sick, but Ah! what beautiful films full of nude art and memorable.

Do we complain? Sure we complain about the offense, but with what face claim?, What we offer the world a different image of our people?. No good. Or how to counter that. We continue with the image of Christianized Indians, those who were left by a religion inconsistent tame and even take pride in the dancers in front of the Basilica, that Mexicans are good Christian / Catholic and each walk was conducted in December that the biggest lie temple of national, we ( and do not know if it has been ) the canonization of Juan Diego, just a cheap trick, "An Indian saw the virgin" What a thrill!. Huge contradiction, Tlaloc would kill cruelly treacherous. And if this were not enough, we treat those who keep those old customs as inferior people. Well, we are not geniuses.

The point is that those criticisms made are not new, have long been a truth known worldwide. It is distressing that encourage and uphold.

We have a good culture, good roots and good sensitivity to the arts, but if we continue to drive, preferring to show a bad image because I do not see how we can give a different picture.

I'm not saying that lie in our history, the films show a country where nothing bad happens, but do you really kill us to show our good side then?, "There are no stories fun and no morbidity in our story, are we unable to tell stories that do not involve drugs?, what country is free of them? No, not that all the films as dedicated to them.

A friend said: "We must support the Mexican cinema, no doubt, but with the production that takes the truth and how to"

I'm still undefined I do not know whether to feel annoyed or sigh and turn over the leaf. Again.

PD. Experience: In Google, type in search images "Mexican" Beautiful collection of images.