Before the subject of this post I want to do a little review of the previous entry to a comment in particular that of Ana Eel ( Hi, Ana Eel ) who personally thank happens followed by my blog and leave comments. Your comments are those who always have a different perspective than mentioned here, the genius ( without sarcasm, I swear ) is that they add a touch of controversy that is worth considering and in some ways is more focused and has more common sense sometimes I use in my publications. The latter is what I will illustrate:
"Also I had been thinking about this issue. We should say:" Work ... and do not smoke ... watch your sugar ... their triglycerides ... Ignore the ads "
If, however, than the bombardment of commercials or the patient's faith in these" miracles ", my conclusion is that the real problem is that these people are NOT committed to their own health, whether for reasons (excuses) of time, effort or money. They want to be "healthy" but are unwilling to change their lifestyle.
not undertake to devote the time needed to exercise, stop eating what is hurting them, or in order to "take care" in the long term (life). Looking for So quick fixes, immediate "miracle." Unwilling to impose upon themselves the bare minimum to take care of your body: no lack of neurons and discipline.
"Look after your body's first 50 years, and he'll look after you the next 50" "
See what I mean? Not think anybody can put a "but" their arguments with such common sense explicit (and beautiful spelling) and rightly so ... I am rather pessimistic ...?, "derogatory?, are you missing faith / consideration to humanity in general? ... I do not know ...
wanted to mention first because he is absolutely right, sometimes laziness and bad habits are stronger than the true desire to be well.
The second is because I have a different way of looking at the issue. I am a healthy person, the kind that do not get sick more than once a year, I can walk in the rain and wind and cold without getting the flu, my diet mainly based on the what I like, I hate vegetables and more if they're green ( except lettuce and a few others used in salads ) so you can imagine I do not care much my diet. If you know me as well. Point.
Maybe it's my DNA, or genetic thing that makes me keep in good condition despite not pay much attention to my habits ( ah, I'm also very fond of exercise and little sleep) but I do not smoke, they drink and not to mention the caffeine I eat like fountain of youth.
"Small review? Ok, I'm going to end. The point is that I am of the idea of \u200b\u200bcaring What if the final costume you're going to deliver? It is best to take advantage and the worms eat only the leftovers ( in my case I want to be incinerated, so of claustrophobia and Poe and buried alive ), if the end can save a body, later, but as luck next time. Stay involved.
There are those who tell me that maybe now everything is perfect but in a few years I have to pay the bill, but I'm the same, why should I worry about the posterity? What did it for me? ( the phrase is from Groucho Marx, obviously ) I am of those who live now now. Sometimes I realize that is not the most intelligent, but only sometimes, those moments pass and I see them let go. Sometimes I'm so smart.
Suicide "unconscious? Please!, We're all dying. Perhaps the only thing I'm doing ( like everyone else, if you think a little ) is to decide how and how quickly I want to disappear, that's all.
Well, what was coming.
was checking some old magazines where I found some articles relating to the emos and their early today ( its principles are supposed to date from the late 80's, early 90's ) now show its strong resurgence in the year of the influenza ("2009?, whatever) and now where I went to eat were a few gals in a tone of market women talking about vampires from conservative to ignorant attitudes to such issues and trends.
urban tribes.

There are so many tribes and religions, so I'll just concentrate on one: The Emos.
Why the tortured Emos? Because frankly I consider more a fad than a tribe, because the trends were sad and poor copies of other tribes ( darks, gothic, punk, strawberries ... Oh yeah, and as many BUR) with a simple flag and ideas as empty as originality, but above all: FASHION. They went and took Jack and the work of Tim Burton as the flag of their movement. Sad. (Ja).
I loved when they demonstrated to demand respect for their "current?" on rest days and days of influenza, where they were to make their march to a city break. Great!
clarify that I did not agree with the assaults suffered by some who called Gothic, say they were called, because a dark gothic or if you imitate it and less if they do so bad.

Music. Groups flagged Emo: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, "Belinda? Whatever some are good, some believe that are no good rock, pop, punk, and combinations thereof or any sub-genre or classification. I do not know, it all seems merely commercial.
Public Emo: Do \u200b\u200bnot take it very personal, this is merely my point of view and that is unfortunately what they reflect the world. Let's face it: his movement is predominant in adolescents, the predominant fashion in the mass purchasing power, and his hair dominates half of his face ( which I think is really dangerous o). Jebus, even hipsters have originality ( if we do not have the inclination to sweaters to Cesar Costa ) and I think that's mainly what they really need to be called "urban tribe" not fashionable and earn respect among which are.
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