Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back Pain Above Waistline

The New Offense Offense Is The Old

Two words: Top Gear.

Top Gear is a UK program that handles the formula car + black humor, but you already knew this because it is very hard to get you to the internet and not see it in writing, not to mention that Twitter is full of comments.

All this because the Mastretta brothers ( nothing to do with the writer ) presented Mexican sports car.

The opinions range from censure to the light that they take a joke, to outrage, anger and other emotions that I can not understand.

I already said that the Labyrinth of Solitude was not good.

Many will want to lynch me: How dare you criticize a country Nobel prize? "The Labyrinth is a classic," We must canonize Octavio Paz "

Me wonder if there is any secret society that is dedicated to disappear, those who criticize the classics. In my opinion Romeo and Juliet by William is so incoherent and inconsistent with their characters and plot that undoubtedly lie between readings for teens. Let's face it, Romeo is an idiot, but that's another story.

I wonder how that rise offended by such harsh criticism of the Mexican people to be welcome and we rose to the neck with El Laberinto De La Soledad.

We horrible stigma that for the world and we botudos sombrerudos paunchy as the mouse Speedy Gonzalez, perceive us as such, and if we add the great Mexican film technique also adds foul-mouthed, where everyone is or strawberries or between colleagues, idiots or thugs, fools and addicts and failure to create decent movies with interesting plots without recourse to the morbid scene full of sex and violence, and how dare it not to complain, but of course we are outraged when he snatched the Oscar for Amores Perros.

We get angry that foreigners criticize us as lazy when they lack the video of Representatives / Senators taking nap in the middle of their boards or perennial plants of the EMS with no less acceptable facade, but if the criticism comes from a fellow say, Octavio Paz, where he is adding "we have beautiful manners" and "beautiful feelings" there if we raise the neck and applaud the critic.

I'm not saying that The Maze is false, it obviously was and is true for most people, but Jebus! is as if we enorgulleciéramos of those bad habits, it is stories like cheer or love Violet Perfume where it hurt like I said, do not show another face in our country the only thing you find is sex, rape, beatings, ignorance, drugs and other ills of our society do something really sick, but Ah! what beautiful films full of nude art and memorable.

Do we complain? Sure we complain about the offense, but with what face claim?, What we offer the world a different image of our people?. No good. Or how to counter that. We continue with the image of Christianized Indians, those who were left by a religion inconsistent tame and even take pride in the dancers in front of the Basilica, that Mexicans are good Christian / Catholic and each walk was conducted in December that the biggest lie temple of national, we ( and do not know if it has been ) the canonization of Juan Diego, just a cheap trick, "An Indian saw the virgin" What a thrill!. Huge contradiction, Tlaloc would kill cruelly treacherous. And if this were not enough, we treat those who keep those old customs as inferior people. Well, we are not geniuses.

The point is that those criticisms made are not new, have long been a truth known worldwide. It is distressing that encourage and uphold.

We have a good culture, good roots and good sensitivity to the arts, but if we continue to drive, preferring to show a bad image because I do not see how we can give a different picture.

I'm not saying that lie in our history, the films show a country where nothing bad happens, but do you really kill us to show our good side then?, "There are no stories fun and no morbidity in our story, are we unable to tell stories that do not involve drugs?, what country is free of them? No, not that all the films as dedicated to them.

A friend said: "We must support the Mexican cinema, no doubt, but with the production that takes the truth and how to"

I'm still undefined I do not know whether to feel annoyed or sigh and turn over the leaf. Again.

PD. Experience: In Google, type in search images "Mexican" Beautiful collection of images.


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