Yes, I feel a bit strange / weird posting about it, please do not judge me haha \u200b\u200bafter everything that happened RG!
After going to the hospital on Saturday April 30 at 2am because we woke up crying and vomiting (horrible) and we arrived and only a small smile spreading after a sting for vomiting, packages serum KANCO paracetamol and we realized the diagnosis: she cries and throws up for his big swollen gums. All
hardly ate on Saturday. On Sunday, either, except for a cereal of rice. Today
alike. Serum survived.
Today, after sleeping warmly mourn heard, I went to check it (after the scene to lift the bed throwing up run!), I gave him paracetamol, slowly massaging her gums and felt, there it was! the first of my little perlite. Bottom left is your little teeth
would not be a normal mom if I touched the little things right?
I am happy that finally the gum is opened and left that little tooth that adorn even smile. (Needless to say, not let's see if tomorrow achievement photograph and to update the photo).
My Little Queen of 8m12d is growing, But she will always be my baby, my little one.
test his dad arrived, he did well.
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