To understand what is needed is a premise, as saying "The 0 and 1 are the first elements of the Fibonacci series, then go with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc, etc. "is not necessary to explain why the 0 is 1, because I am saying that just begins. Point.
Now, following the same principle, the premise for the Manichean understanding is this: Jesus Was ( yes, I wrote Jebus Jesus and no, it is sometimes necessary to write properly ). This is necessary to make the contract of credulity as you read and agree that Snow White was naive enough ( idiot) to eat an apple without even wash before It operates the same.
Given the premise that there Jebus, who was a prophet, that his intention was to save mankind and all that stuff we add something interesting: What if Jebus was not the only come to give us a message of salvation?, what if there were a total of five prophets? and the best: If you came to Jebus earth to save us, but to save his own soul? It gets very interesting.
First things first ( pun intended): Manichaeism began with a "learned Persian" called Mani ( and no, it is short for Mamfred ) around the year 215 a 276 AD. who since age 16 was "the first messages of divinity," because it, shortly after self-proclaimed prophet, ( add that even said to have been born of a virgin, as apparently was required to be a prophet ) and not only So proclaimed the Last Prophet (Paraclete, if want more ... "Really? ) What is the difference between the Prophet and the last prophet? you might ask, for nothing else the fact that He (Mani ) came to complete the message of Jebus, came to override all other beliefs, his words were those of faith final.
it clear I do not know if I try to explain what we are talking that there would be only a religion, a universal religion: non-Christians, not Jews, not Catholics, Buddhists, there is nothing extra faith alone and words of Mani. Here lies the importance of the Manichean.
Faith Manichean dualism establishes itself: When there is light represented by the soul and called Hormuz, and the evil represented by the body and called Ahriman. This is also interesting.
According to the Manichean battle between light and darkness is metaphorical , is totally and absolutely real, in fact, we exist because of it, because in the midst of battle, in the beginning Ahriman did lock our souls in bodies ( understood that we are divided, our soul is good, our body is bad ) as which derives a principle of Manichaean, which state that we are not responsible for our bad actions, only the influence of the devil in our lives . Excellent right?
Here comes a mutual interest in the salvation of the souls of mankind, it is not the "goodness" of Hormuz for us to try to save, the Manichaeism states that our souls are part of very Hormuz, this means that for every soul saved Hormuz is "complementary" and in video games, the Good God need our souls to be more powerful and thus end his archenemy Ahriman.
Here comes a mutual interest in the salvation of the souls of mankind, it is not the "goodness" of Hormuz for us to try to save, the Manichaeism states that our souls are part of very Hormuz, this means that for every soul saved Hormuz is "complementary" and in video games, the Good God need our souls to be more powerful and thus end his archenemy Ahriman.
Manichaeism is clearly influenced by Buddhist, it is believed in reincarnation, this as a means of freeing the soul from its cage body gradually. Let me explain: The Fellowship of Manes is divided into 4 parts: monks and believers, in turn these are divided into sexes. In the first room is a believer and after a regime "purifying" is intended to reincarnate monk later reaching a totally pure, and not reincarnated soul but remain only as "good." If during the life of a Monk is committed some "slippage" reincarnate and this does not guarantee a reincarnation of a human body, but there is a risk that your new host is an animal, as Plato suggested, if I remember correctly. Something like snakes and ladders.
His motto ( to call it somehow ) is " Of the two principles and three times "
The two principles concerning Light and dark. The three stages are: Principle : light and darkness are separated; Middle : when both are mixed, ie now us ... body and soul, remember?, and Final : when the struggle is resolved in an eternal triumph, this refers to a type apocalypse, the end of the coming of God's darkness, not the God of light, is this its main difference with Christianity, where there is only one true God and is the same God to send the riders of the apocalypse and all that stuff, but back with Manichaeism.
The Manichaean also have the belief that the Light and Darkness substances are scattered by the material world, and this is not metaphorical. The Manichaean, most were ( or are ) vegetarians as it is believed that most of the vegetables such as melons and cucumbers contain virgin, and meat and wine contain substances evil.
Its roots come from earlier beliefs: Gnostic ( a doctrine highly linked to the Manichean and I'll discuss soon ), Zoroastrian ( their relationship with Manichaeism is also great, in addition to it is this doctrine which says that Hormuz and Ahriman are twin sons of a divine being called primordial hermaphrodite Zervan ) and Mithraic and other many dozens more.
I wonder how many had heard of the Manichaean before, because this is my first time and surprisingly, this doctrine lasted until the seventeenth or eighteenth century ... in theory.
Manichaeism was very popular in its infancy, so much so that Augustine was a Manichaean Hipomona for eight or nine years (l as dates vary depending sources). Oh yes, St. Augustine, said the biggest brain of the Catholic faith ... by.
Then come back to San Augustine and his role in this story.
The Manichaean speak first five prfetas: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Shem and Enoch, likewise, places Jesus, Buddha and Mani at the same hierarchical level ... in theory, since Mani is more important than all the previous ones is the day the "final message"
The Manichaean speak first five prfetas: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Shem and Enoch, likewise, places Jesus, Buddha and Mani at the same hierarchical level ... in theory, since Mani is more important than all the previous ones is the day the "final message"
Jebus also note that came to earth to save his own soul so that it could again be a part of Hormuz, like all others and that the crucifixion is more metaphorical than real, or is another theory that says that Jebus not die on the cross but was eventually replaced.
It is believed that Mani was the Paraclete, the seal that Christ himself had promised that expected according to the New Testament and consider it far more reliable than the "word of Jebus" as it was Mani himself who wrote his books and his words were neither supporters nor years later, was himself, and it was only a book but several, which spread to more faithfully copied to your message ( a good idea that did not occur Jebus ) without intermediaries and to avoid contradictions as in the Christian Bible, that is the why it is considered more important than the Jebus. And more reliable.
A disparity between the information, also notes, or rather, it is speculated that the Manichaean writings in possession of someone close to Jebus, which would be considered his mentor. These writings cover loss of Nazareth that stage of his adolescence to adulthood and their preaching nothing to interpret and it is supposed, these writings, would have the power to deal definitively with the Catholic church, but will talk about later.
A disparity between the information, also notes, or rather, it is speculated that the Manichaean writings in possession of someone close to Jebus, which would be considered his mentor. These writings cover loss of Nazareth that stage of his adolescence to adulthood and their preaching nothing to interpret and it is supposed, these writings, would have the power to deal definitively with the Catholic church, but will talk about later.
By the nature of their belief, if faith was considered final, or better written, they were very controlling and inflexible, since the proclamation of faith there was only room for "deviations." Again, Mani expected return, for which all life must be prepared and that leads to discredit and even wipe out all other religions, and here is where we come to the area of \u200b\u200bcults. To be sects, they should be banned and persecuted, and therefore actually what happened.
In 276 the Persian Emperor Bahram Mani ordered to apprehend, was declared heretical, so it was imprisoned, beaten to death, skinned, beheaded, maimed and displayed in public to avoid the alleged resurrection expected ( as the resurrection of Christ ) and that's how this happened to be religious doctrine prohibited ideology.
By the time he was sentenced Mani, Manichaeism was in its heyday simply as it took several years to begin to be truly persecuted, but for 296 Diocletian, Emperor of Rome ordered the death penalty for Manichaeism. Despite this in 373 joined their ranks Hipomona Augustine.
The story continues in the next post as I need to check some references librísticas.
The Manichaean
on Another The Manichaean
El Enigma Sagrado (The Grail Dynasty). Michael Biagent - Richard Leigh - Henry Lincoln.
The Circle of Wisdom. Ignacio Gomez de Liano.
The story continues in the next post as I need to check some references librísticas.
The Manichaean
on Another The Manichaean
El Enigma Sagrado (The Grail Dynasty). Michael Biagent - Richard Leigh - Henry Lincoln.
The Circle of Wisdom. Ignacio Gomez de Liano.
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