Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Puppys Butt Is Red And Inflamed

Heels & Library

Go! Abandonment of new Who would suspect?

Come on, you have to leave the blame to one side. I know I miss ... in fact I do not know and if they do, well, the case is the same.

In recent weeks, I returned to my beloved custom spend whole days surrounded by shelves of books, my favorite smell, my hobby, my oasis in the desert and everything imaginable cloying . If you leave all sticky sorry, it happens when I talk about books and libraries. Also movies. And music.

efebos When all teenagers were on holiday used to fill the library just to take the computers with internet and connect to messenger and other social networks. Funny, I I go to get away from it all, as it does not matter.

Now that classes have resumed I am delighted that the library looks more empty, so I chose three books again after reviewing copies of Emma ... which reminds me: " If someone found a letter in a copy of Emma by Jane Austen in the Vasconcelos, return, ES MY "

Focusing on the point of the post: Ignorant people abound in the world, we all know and usually do not matter to me that people in my world intrudes .

Especificaré: I hate people when they do not know behave in certain precincts and spaces that deserve consideration and respect we can give!. In the movies do not need the silly with cell ringing every five minutes during the whole show, not missing the idiot who replied, not missing the couple behind your seat or kissing and kicking doing disgusting sucking noises or mutually explaining every damn scene in the movie as if it were mentally retarded. Thanks, Adonis, to describe the scene that everyone is watching, we could not understand it without your wise intervention. The same applies in theaters and museums.

abound in the library but just murmur enough to find a peaceful lugarcillo ignore you settle for everyone, with or without music, depending on whether or not distracting. To me, the best way to read it alone, without distractions or glances furtively. That's why I love big libraries you can go for a good place to take root.

During these visits there was a small detail that used to take me out of my boxes: The Noisy Heels. At each visit holy Missed not a chick who was walking around with their loud and annoying heels, came and went, up and down, he stumbled and went again. Tiqui, tiqui, tiqui, tiqui, tiqui ...

Bah, I really desperate silly women moving from place to place announcing his visit to the world with rhythmic sounds and stressful. Why Why go heeled to the library? If it is to reach high shelves, that is arranged with the help of another book or benches I've seen in the hallways. You go to the library to be Nerd, Nerd not need heels, you go with your plaid shirt as Clark Kent and no one will look ugly, you can go with your Coke-bottle lenses and you're in your element.

brains in a library is cultivated, remember that one small change in the incubation and the result can give a being between Alpha and Beta, what will become of that individual?, " really want that on your conscience?

Yes, I'm listening to Limp Bizkit And?


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