Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Congratulations Messages New Mother

Secure connection breaks

Today I write slowly, slowly because I have an injured hand remember? It hurts.

hurts enough to be accurate. The other works well (now I realize what it takes to write the people who can not type with 2 hands ... or have only one.)

  • Just today I took the doctor to children. JR is sick with a throat infection, said that the whole body hurts, head hurts and feels tired.
  • RG, now has 4 days to upset (after going to the hospital and its 1st Tooth) started with diarrhea and has continued.
  • Today my house is a bit messy hand as well I can not do much, better not to do much to avoid and which desinflama lastimármela ... at least you can type with one hand, slowly but typing. Today
  • orchestras have been many tears here. Of both. Sometimes I've wanted to join the choir, but I keep her composure in front of them.

Right now reconciled a mini nap and JR is playing, apparently had her first fever and I, I need a mini escape writing. Questions

if I desperate enough? Yes

pause But you know? I know these "BREAKS" are temporary, these temporary body aches temporal life are annoying but are transient, some people have ongoing pain and loss. I can not complain. Today I can think about them and pray empathically.

These pauses on the road are to remind me what I know and I remember every moment life is short and should take advantage and live deeply.

be "half incapacitated" (I say half because half of my body, the hand does not work, the other half must work twice as hard for the house to remain standing) has helped me focus on what is well in this small "entropic chaos" (if any such expression, which is very appropriate right now) to have more time for reflection, meditate, read, watch and pray.

I write so much but I can not so I pick up my voice recorder, when this happens so I shall go up letters or audio, and, as such, I have no audio editor.

The list of "to do" continues to grow and be so deep in this pause helps me to prioritize, to focus on what's important.

Take your breaks, are also deep but temporary.

Gol Woen Free Vıdeos

deep in

How do I change to secure my FB account? Dear reader

concerned, before that you continue to spam people or people hacking your account, you can do this (it appears that I changed it to English so that if one understands.

Account ...

account settings Conexion segura en Facebook

Then look where it says your account secure, give click to change ... then mark

Conexion segura en Facebook SAFE NAVIGATION give click ... check the box for safe navigation and if you like to send them emails when connecting FB account from another computer (meaning someone else has your password, change it to a safe).

Finally save. Done.

Conexion segura en Facebook

can check that done well if your address bar says https instead of just http.

How Do I Plug In My Ceiling Fan

Cults: The Manichaean

The Manichaean, or for the guys: The Brothers of Light, will be inaugurating the section.

To understand what is needed is a premise, as saying "The 0 and 1 are the first elements of the Fibonacci series, then go with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc, etc. "is not necessary to explain why the 0 is 1, because I am saying that just begins. Point.

Now, following the same principle, the premise for the Manichean understanding is this: Jesus Was ( yes, I wrote Jebus Jesus and no, it is sometimes necessary to write properly ). This is necessary to make the contract of credulity as you read and agree that Snow White was naive enough ( idiot) to eat an apple without even wash before It operates the same.

Given the premise that there Jebus, who was a prophet, that his intention was to save mankind and all that stuff we add something interesting: What if Jebus was not the only come to give us a message of salvation?, what if there were a total of five prophets? and the best: If you came to Jebus earth to save us, but to save his own soul? It gets very interesting.

First things first ( pun intended): Manichaeism began with a "learned Persian" called Mani ( and no, it is short for Mamfred ) around the year 215 a 276 AD. who since age 16 was "the first messages of divinity," because it, shortly after self-proclaimed prophet, ( add that even said to have been born of a virgin, as apparently was required to be a prophet ) and not only So proclaimed the Last Prophet (Paraclete, if want more ... "Really? ) What is the difference between the Prophet and the last prophet? you might ask, for nothing else the fact that He (Mani ) came to complete the message of Jebus, came to override all other beliefs, his words were those of faith final.

it clear I do not know if I try to explain what we are talking that there would be only a religion, a universal religion: non-Christians, not Jews, not Catholics, Buddhists, there is nothing extra faith alone and words of Mani. Here lies the importance of the Manichean.

Faith Manichean dualism establishes itself: When there is light represented by the soul and called Hormuz, and the evil represented by the body and called Ahriman. This is also interesting.

According to the Manichean battle between light and darkness is metaphorical , is totally and absolutely real, in fact, we exist because of it, because in the midst of battle, in the beginning Ahriman did lock our souls in bodies ( understood that we are divided, our soul is good, our body is bad ) as which derives a principle of Manichaean, which state that we are not responsible for our bad actions, only the influence of the devil in our lives . Excellent right?

Here comes a mutual interest in the salvation of the souls of mankind, it is not the "goodness" of Hormuz for us to try to save, the Manichaeism states that our souls are part of very Hormuz, this means that for every soul saved Hormuz is "complementary" and in video games, the Good God need our souls to be more powerful and thus end his archenemy Ahriman.

Manichaeism is clearly influenced by Buddhist, it is believed in reincarnation, this as a means of freeing the soul from its cage body gradually. Let me explain: The Fellowship of Manes is divided into 4 parts: monks and believers, in turn these are divided into sexes. In the first room is a believer and after a regime "purifying" is intended to reincarnate monk later reaching a totally pure, and not reincarnated soul but remain only as "good." If during the life of a Monk is committed some "slippage" reincarnate and this does not guarantee a reincarnation of a human body, but there is a risk that your new host is an animal, as Plato suggested, if I remember correctly. Something like snakes and ladders.

His motto ( to call it somehow ) is " Of the two principles and three times "

The two principles concerning Light and dark. The three stages are: Principle : light and darkness are separated; Middle : when both are mixed, ie now us ... body and soul, remember?, and Final : when the struggle is resolved in an eternal triumph, this refers to a type apocalypse, the end of the coming of God's darkness, not the God of light, is this its main difference with Christianity, where there is only one true God and is the same God to send the riders of the apocalypse and all that stuff, but back with Manichaeism.

The Manichaean also have the belief that the Light and Darkness substances are scattered by the material world, and this is not metaphorical. The Manichaean, most were ( or are ) vegetarians as it is believed that most of the vegetables such as melons and cucumbers contain virgin, and meat and wine contain substances evil.

Its roots come from earlier beliefs: Gnostic ( a doctrine highly linked to the Manichean and I'll discuss soon ), Zoroastrian ( their relationship with Manichaeism is also great, in addition to it is this doctrine which says that Hormuz and Ahriman are twin sons of a divine being called primordial hermaphrodite Zervan ) and Mithraic and other many dozens more.

I wonder how many had heard of the Manichaean before, because this is my first time and surprisingly, this doctrine lasted until the seventeenth or eighteenth century ... in theory.

Manichaeism was very popular in its infancy, so much so that Augustine was a Manichaean Hipomona for eight or nine years (l as dates vary depending sources). Oh yes, St. Augustine, said the biggest brain of the Catholic faith ... by.

Then come back to San Augustine and his role in this story.

The Manichaean speak first five prfetas: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Shem and Enoch, likewise, places Jesus, Buddha and Mani at the same hierarchical level ... in theory, since Mani is more important than all the previous ones is the day the "final message"

Jebus also note that came to earth to save his own soul so that it could again be a part of Hormuz, like all others and that the crucifixion is more metaphorical than real, or is another theory that says that Jebus not die on the cross but was eventually replaced.

It is believed that Mani was the Paraclete, the seal that Christ himself had promised that expected according to the New Testament and consider it far more reliable than the "word of Jebus" as it was Mani himself who wrote his books and his words were neither supporters nor years later, was himself, and it was only a book but several, which spread to more faithfully copied to your message ( a good idea that did not occur Jebus ) without intermediaries and to avoid contradictions as in the Christian Bible, that is the why it is considered more important than the Jebus. And more reliable.

A disparity between the information, also notes, or rather, it is speculated that the Manichaean writings in possession of someone close to Jebus, which would be considered his mentor. These writings cover loss of Nazareth that stage of his adolescence to adulthood and their preaching nothing to interpret and it is supposed, these writings, would have the power to deal definitively with the Catholic church, but will talk about later.

By the nature of their belief, if faith was considered final, or better written, they were very controlling and inflexible, since the proclamation of faith there was only room for "deviations." Again, Mani expected return, for which all life must be prepared and that leads to discredit and even wipe out all other religions, and here is where we come to the area of \u200b\u200bcults. To be sects, they should be banned and persecuted, and therefore actually what happened.

In 276 the Persian Emperor Bahram Mani ordered to apprehend, was declared heretical, so it was imprisoned, beaten to death, skinned, beheaded, maimed and displayed in public to avoid the alleged resurrection expected ( as the resurrection of Christ ) and that's how this happened to be religious doctrine prohibited ideology.

By the time he was sentenced Mani, Manichaeism was in its heyday simply as it took several years to begin to be truly persecuted, but for 296 Diocletian, Emperor of Rome ordered the death penalty for Manichaeism. Despite this in 373 joined their ranks Hipomona Augustine.

The story continues in the next post as I need to check some references librísticas.


The Manichaean
on Another The Manichaean
El Enigma Sagrado (The Grail Dynasty). Michael Biagent - Richard Leigh - Henry Lincoln.
The Circle of Wisdom. Ignacio Gomez de Liano.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blood Vessels In Gallbladder Polyp

FB Tutorial toppers for cupcakes and cupcakes to encourage a friend 1st Tooth

cupcake amigable pastelitos There are times when it is very difficult to encourage someone, sometimes sad and painful that you do not know what to do.

but fortunately there are others in that it is simple, is an achievement, is an extra motivation, drive, applause, cheers what you do for someone.

This was the case.

cupcakes bring me a strange kind of joy. I draw a smile on his face (to say nothing on the palate). They are small cakes filled with affection and good wishes.

Today I did that. I got

batteries and made a few so that together we celebrate it the success of a friend in a test where we asked a lot (at least my family).

Need to encourage someone today? "I hope you work.

DIY cupcake topers This is a tutorial to make your own toppers, mine are simple: With stickers / decals stuck on pieces of cardboard messages cute enough.

tutorial pastelitos cupcakes amigables toppers

The glued to a small stick (I used chopsticks) and voila! You can use any type of decal or picture, the possibilities are limitless.

I think if you liked and others who ate well.

OD: 090923

Monday, May 2, 2011

Best Way To Remove Sticky Face From A Cricket Bat

Yes, I feel a bit strange / weird posting about it, please do not judge me haha \u200b\u200bafter everything that happened RG!

1er diente

After going to the hospital on Saturday April 30 at 2am because we woke up crying and vomiting (horrible) and we arrived and only a small smile spreading after a sting for vomiting, packages serum KANCO paracetamol and we realized the diagnosis: she cries and throws up for his big swollen gums. All

hardly ate on Saturday. On Sunday, either, except for a cereal of rice. Today

alike. Serum survived.

Today, after sleeping warmly mourn heard, I went to check it (after the scene to lift the bed throwing up run!), I gave him paracetamol, slowly massaging her gums and felt, there it was! the first of my little perlite. Bottom left is your little teeth

1er diente

would not be a normal mom if I touched the little things right?

I am happy that finally the gum is opened and left that little tooth that adorn even smile. (Needless to say, not let's see if tomorrow achievement photograph and to update the photo).

My Little Queen of 8m12d is growing, But she will always be my baby, my little one.

test his dad arrived, he did well.

Treatment Swollen Toe After Pedicure Bleeding

interested Mama Scissor stroller

always a pleasure for me to hear from interested mothers. Do not think evil, not interested as they say in bad plan (as they are only interested in the $), but really interested in being good mothers, their children interested in and interested in serving as mother best.

so far and I know I probably will die without knowing a perfect mom (if you believe be you say no, because if you are applying to be treated as you bring a little high low self-esteem and humility? haha narcissism at its best) but although there is no perfect habemos many we know our weaknesses and strive. We strive

reading, asking questions, investigating but especially moms praying because our children need.

Lately I've received several emails and inbox on my section "Homeschool - Home School," many of curiosity and other serious concerns about it.

For me this adventure formally began August 10, 2009 with a pretty interesting story that may one day share. I say formally because in reality every mother is a teacher and say it formally took it off the school for him at home.

Everything has been worth it. I had many doubts in the way of surprises, satisfactions and achievements. Yes, I also cried. Currently going to kindergarten age from 9-12 and I see only one to socialize and I teach at home (because to be honest I do not teach much, especially attitude / character / virtue / moral / spiritual in kindergarten) I do not see much difference it about until we have considered many times out of those 3 hours and put something else classes according to their interests / abilities and I take their curriculum at home.

Before I finish extends as these were not issues, I just wanted to encourage you if you are mom who visits this tag only claudiques not going to start and if you do! you will not regret.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Howto Build Ultrasonic Fogger

Question about

Q: I can sit my 4 month old in a stroller scissor?

Dear Mom

small 4 months:

That you can, that you should is another thing that suits another.

If you're asking is because you are not sure, if you're not sure is because you are restless. If in doubt err and did well to ask.

If your baby does not feel alone or does not support your neck will be really Scissor stroller uncomfortable, I think to unsafe by small belts you have, fit only for niñosque and feel recharged, etc.

If your pediatrician does not give you information about it for simple questions like this, I would change my pediatrician.

Are you embarrassed to ask something so simple, began holding him ... and I trust inquisitive, come many more questions in front, plus you pay, it is not free your questions. Maybe your stroller

scissors is beautiful and you have a baby carrier, quiet, everything has its time.


PF (common and not so common)

Responses to my readers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Is Sara Jay Married To


Michmash know?

Usually when we see / hear youth groups we can take any set of assumptions of their lives, because we do not know and glamor of the music will paint them as something unattainable. They are a loving, simple and friendly.

I can say with pride that I saw small.

dream I saw, I watch them grow.

I know they are genuine, cheerful, hardworking

Who does not like to see the before and after project? my self! everything.

Michmash, is a case of those that you are glad to have been able to meet in person!

When I see them I imagine how they feel their mothers, will always be her chicks. Now that I'm mama JR imagine that age, fighting for their dreams and if they are to share the love of God better.

Today I want to support them asking you for them only 2 clicks for a contest:

1 Give "like" to the page of the journal Vision
2 Give " , like "the photo on the cover of the CD" Past Participle "

certainly already seen the video? are cute and sing nice: D

http : / / / Michmash
http://www.tunecore .com / music / Michmash

Xbox Controller Bluetooth Pc Hack

New Section: Cults

Well After some free time and a good book I started reading (The Conspiracy of Heretics by Jonathan Rabb) and my own interests, my religious leanings (in fact, any) the large virtual universe that contains invaluable information (other than Wikipedia, which I do not neglect these issues but I prefer other views) in addition to regularly attend a library with a great literary heritage and I love it to sink in research, without neglecting the presence of my new agenda, much larger and more spacious than I can write as much nonsense I can think of I decided (despite the problems and differences of opinions that can be enclosed in addition to the future lack of time and other mishaps) open a section in the blog: "Cults"

Sects contain research done by me. Actually little research because the information is large and I will not bore you with dates and facts that I might only call attention to me and the specifics of which will only fit into my schedule, so the information here will shed very superficial but interesting.

not only contain Sects Sects information itself, but also alternative religious movements, ideologies unorthodox secret societies (although on reflection, not so secret if you have information I can find) and what I found during my readings to consider interesting enough to deserve a publication (or more).

As a researcher I am not very skilled, rather I described only as a very avid reader, I notice that the information can be updated and for obvious reasons, can also be considered incomplete in certain occasions what tracks are accepted, recommendations or corrections, wounded yet.

Sects, like everything contained in this blog, is not relieved of my own opinion, view and interpretation (hence my steps that I am given the brainwashing) and of course, not forgetting my own way of narrating the facts, because this is not a matter of educating minds manipulated (for more information on my profile contact nature) nor to say that what I write is pure and simple truth, but simply the fact that learn more and to be totally honest, like everything I do, I'll benefit most when making these curious investigations and plasmaré here only what I like funny and relevant. If you want get more out of this, it is advisable to make their own inquiries.

Now, the publication will be no regular (Jebus ask it at least once a month), because as I mentioned, investigations take time, there will be more of a post dedicated to each one of the talk here as I come up or may, without forgetting those writings and also normal, with some newspapers that try to give life to the blog and not to leave as much as I've done lately, so no more the time, are advised of future content thereof.

for your attention, thank you.

PD1. They also warn that publications can be long and Bible verse. Just in case.

Kannada Quotes On Kannada

3 of my goals

This week has been several things that made me think hard about that I must: Be at

  1. my ambition: lead a quiet life in quiet
  2. mind my own business
  3. Working with my hands

vida tranquila confiada feliz

Translating this:

  1. Peace and quiet means: be at peace with God, myself and others (not to be misinterpreted to do nothing)
  2. My own business means: take care of my share, as inference that I have, which I compete, which includes me, what is my responsibility, as I can influence and participate, I can change. No means: get into issues of people who do not even know of my existence or if they know do not care, try to change things that they themselves have and want and can deal without me, means not walking in gossip or be problematic.
  3. Working with my hands means: I can do ... I will, I will strive, fight, I am responsible, I'll do this, sow, sweating. Work takes effort, not just reach out, to expect others to do so by and for me. Work involves exhaustion, I know. Working with my hands also means being aware that nobody will do things for me. Work involves compensation. Work involves satisfaction. Work involves realizing that I can not, or I can do it all ... and that's when His power is perfected in my weakness (thank God!).

All this came to meditate on: "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and Attend to your own business and work with your hands ...." 1 Thessalonians 4:11

here in several versions: Thessalonians 4:11.

The King James (© 1997 Lockman)
and that you have for your ambition to lead a quiet life, and bring in your own affairs ocupéis work and act with your hands as we commanded you;

The New American Standard Bible (© 2005 Lockman)
and which have as their ambition to lead a quiet life, and to address their own issues and work with their hands, as we have commanded

Reina Valera Gómez (© 2010)
and to be quiet, and to do your own business and work with your hands as we commanded you;

Reina Valera (1909)
And to be quiet and do your own business, and to work of your hands as we commanded you;

Scriptures (1569)
and to be quiet, and make your business and labor with your hands as we commanded you;

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Schwinn Spinning Bike Imitation

Of Sick

Everybody says this day is to be dedicated to reflection, to make awareness of the great sacrifice of Jebus for all mankind, and after a few strokes be given breast turn around and get ready to enjoy just 4 days of rest, and the best two weeks completito, but that obviously is not my case.

After two hours of zapping on Friday and see all the versions of the life of Jebus, and the various securities in which the subject is the same but in different words came to an unexpected number after seeing how difficult it is to get decent ham for a sandwich on a Friday "holy" I gave myself the task of reflecting on those days.

I do not know how to take what other atheists and those of other religious doctrines, but that represent the same death every year under a blazing sun and that people "religious" is given to the task of assisting as if it were Christmas Parade organized by Coca-Cola which for me is nothing but pure morbid I think one of those ill habits, like the custom of cooking for the husband, "whatever .

Now, anyone can choose how to live but apparently that was transformed to choose the way how you want to be tortured, but that's not the topic of the post.

believe, believing friends, the important thing about these dates is to find a really cool place where you can remember why they are determined not to include meat in their diet to maintain good health.

Well, seriously. The intention of the post is to remember the hard and difficult beginnings of Christianity, and I mean tough situations that led to try to enforce their religion as the only one. All the massacres, persecutions, the birth of several associations with the sole purpose of overthrowing an ideology that threatened to develop into cancer of humanity, and so far it has only been a cancer.

There has been a stage in the history of Christianity in its attempt to introduce his own ideology has not been violence and death, no matter where you look, it seems the only way they can "convince" others of their "truth."

And this why now? wonder, after a week of religious events, is simple, this weekend saw Rachel Weisz Agora with which I strongly recommend a good film that shows us that side of Christianity that was not known, because everybody is talking about the poor hiding believers to practice their religion when it was banned and all the suffering they endured in order to defend their God and blah blah blah, but forget to say that that part religion began to gain importance, where his "disciples" began to spread and make known to God in a little "irresistible."

I resent the fact of our people is believed that these "religious festivals" me out of the library at 6 pm when I go on the most interesting part of my book, but above all things, I hate the heat at night that keeps me awake.

I do not know about you, but I think represent the murder of the man year after year is something stupid and sick.

PD1: Does the idiocy is a disease, or are considered separate evils?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wedding Gift Letter From Comapies To Employees

The worm

a lettuce leaf by leaf Today came a mini worm, very unpleasant experience indeed when they leave the corn or worms in lettuce, in order to go with the job (... perefiero wash and disinfect it and when I to use in other places where no one is sure if even the rinse, that's another topic ...).

I could not help saying Yuck!, say that in a somewhat exaggerated tone heard JR. He went

and ... i wanted to see you, pulling the tray of lettuce leaves containing the mini-being almost drowned ... I ended up dismissing it with water in the sink the sink ...

JR: Mami there going to be mean?

REYNA: Wherever JR?

JR: Wherever the pipe is over the sink?

REYNA: You do not worry about it, find your way ... (thinking ... if you are already choked with water!)

After JR MANY questions such as: "Why was there a worm in your food?," where did the worm?, why are there worms in the food? throughout the meal worms can go? how about in jars or boxes? and if I use cereal and get a worm? ... etc .... etc ....

Hence the following exchange was triggered

REYNA, JR Do not worry there will be no worms in your food ... at least I'm giving this


JR: How do you know?

REYNA: Because I myself am preparing for you

JR: And you can see if there are worms or not?

REYNA: Of course I see, review food, clean and not give you anything that is dirty or animals

JR: And if there's something there mami, as a worm?

QUEEN: Well, take it off us, or take it off! are bigger than the worm, but do not worry about it yet, I'm your mom, I make your food because I love you, Cos I love you I remove the insects, dust and whatever

JR: If Mommy?

REYNA: Sure! how you think not!

And I heard it all in my mind and within seconds I thought so many things and I came to write, while the lettuce is disinfected and he plays with a yellow bird (plastic, of course, if they really had given dinner the worm jiji).

  • How many times in life circumstances I encounter annoying is unpleasant and undesirable ... I see the worm and that scared me, exasperated me, makes me sick or upset me?
  • How many times I complain and ask God why are the "worms"? or why I played my!? How do I
  • is so easy to expect that JR not worry and trust me because I love him and will take care of it ... when so many times having a Heavenly Father, Almighty, Creator of all things I also remain concerned and to strive for things as tiny as "a worm"?
  • How many times rather than take care of the worm I complain about it?
  • How many times instead of complain and even ask for divine intervention, I make use of forces, ideas and ability that God gave me to lidear with worms? (Understand challenges or difficulties for them)

many things and yet I still think the.

I hope not to forget this lesson, trust, dependency and care for my father to his daughter, that He has the best food prepared and I take care of the "worms" that appear in the other life and enables me to mature, grow and take care of them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold Bevriest

8 months

other 8 Last night we were impressed by that time flies since I've arrived home.

each month I can not help thinking about the mini-doll I received in the hospital and muñecota that office today. Several times I've hurt my knee, wrist and charging you is not heavy ... I tell you I need more true condition?. If only now are 8 how do you explain that only your clothes fit 12 and 18 months eh?! It increases

your hands with excitement when you see us to get up, you know that if we play the hand you get insurance to get up.

Your face radiates happiness, we have them all with his mouth open.

seem a little Koala, always by hanging with your hands and making sure not to let go. Each

think we are the favorite, when dad comes from labor "fins" and scream of happiness when JR plays with you, you jump, laugh and sing and dance do not stop him, all the arms I think I prefer the mine, or at least that's what I believe. I love esponjarte

hair till you drop, you look so cute and funny as well, disheveled, greñudita ... yeah ... maybe then you will not be fun to see the photos but maybe and that will be great. I hope your Chinese last, and only sponge, a little band and go! beautiful. By the way I've been enjoying yourself hair bandages, some moms have asked me about them so that we may sell some as we launch time? we would be partners in this, your model and designer I say? " I have taken photos so soon (if you allow me today!) I'll upload.

you move so fine, your hands and to blink slowly, you are so cute.

Apparently you love to stand ... but hey! all in good time, crawl first yes?. Love bath time and eating! also rides! if you would live away from home was not it?.

move me I can not help how you get scared by the noises, coughing, sneezing, and anything that is heard in fact ... I say so, would it be?. Enormous eyes open and tremble, is not suffering with your shocks, we just are not funny.

Today just today discovered how to propel the jumping thing we have in the door, total happiness in your face and screams of joy ... why you fell asleep (perhaps depletion).

've tested to date: banana, papaya, pear, (with melon and mango went ahead a bit so only once you've tried that), oatmeal, rice cereal, zucchini, squash, broccoli, carrots, breast chicken. But whoooole you crave, everything ... quiet, all in good time.

expressive Your eyes are talking, I see your approval, discontent, prayer, love, discovery and excitement.

've had to adapt your dream and rhythm to our own, something fast pace of life and crisscrossing agenda and commitments, with small.

've learned since you were born to not having all the attention, but to share it, that's fine, I want you to know I try to give you as much as possible of time alone, mom-daughter, just like your father and your brother, we are still adapting to changes, many changes then we will probably laugh.

I like how you're linking and with everyone and trying to interact, how to stretch your hand to touch their faces and stretch your heart to embrace our minds with beautiful memories of you.

Indeed, we still do not leave any teeth but I think the first will be the left inferior frontal, those look so swollen gums, one of these days I see the surprise! a pearl decorating your smile.

I love to write a little about yourself, at least monthly. So both will remember when you grow up.

I love you my little Reyna.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vip Brief Case Lock Number Forgot Help

Pedro Magaña

this morning I heard a song by you, impossible to think of you. So many memories came to my mind.

All times I remember having seen you or talked to you always have given me a smile. Always clean, neat and handsome. Friendly, not quarrelsome, gossipy or conflicting.

When I think of you I think of a good son. Your mom may disprove or support my position.

've always been a gentleman and to date. I remember occasions when I was carrying young things, boxes, cables in the event and will always offer to help me and everyone. I remembered as a "flash back" also recently when I stuck the stroller in a church hall and also helped me as before. I like all those things because you've done well and not "who is watching" with "face", or "you become more famous or popular" or "how much will get through this" How could I pay you? I know that's not why (at least not in my case lol).

I had to see you as a child, a son who helps her mother in everything we can and what can not get it, one that remembers her down to the smallest detail (how to get a chocolate or candy every time he goes to the store), I saw a child who calls you just to talk or to send a message, I saw a child instead of spending only itself of its money goes to buy a present to show their grateful heart, not only offers help, but YES support (now that I'ma mom I imagine that JR did that and I would appreciate it greatly.) If you are a son, I pray that you are even better as a husband. What you sow crops, you'll see.

is no doubt that decisions can lead us to the north and south, east and west, places totally opposite. Follow deciding each day for the best Peter. God has been good to you. I remember some of our talks and I saw that what we are and sooner or later the truth comes to light, always, that's good.

I have witnessed many changes in your life, ministry, your wedding, I keep watching you grow, give and be happy.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pin - Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000

List fun stuff ideas, easy and inexpensive things to do with young children on holiday

I'm so excited to have 2 weeks of flexibility (no driver walking) I have so many plans and ideas that will write before they pass me ... the ideas that come to mind for this holiday season.

playa We vacation at home. No, no or go to the beach, not to Disney, thanks. In fact we have never been to Disney, none of the 4, thanks for asking.

Yes, it will be a holiday at home. With children. This is the scenario, a child of 4 years and 1 baby girl of 7 months.

  • First of all I must heal, is the 5th time this year is going to get sick, I have otitis and pharyngitis. Do not know whats going on. Anyway ... this is the list (no order of importance, just as it was coming)


  1. alberquita Fill in the garage (no way, where else?! Haha) and spend the day there. Exit
  2. with Sandwish, juice and goodies to the park, including picnic tablecloth on the floor and the whole thing, clear as the sun goes down, I do not want to dehydrate! Go to the museum
  3. Afternoon seed to eat snow
  4. Fiesta Children's Day Dad at work
  5. Bring to a library to the children's section and read all the books you like (ouch ... do not know if I can with him, has no end, well we could come back if not finished)
  6. BK Field Day (for a change ... uh)
  7. cambo Day in Ricky's Tacos (for a change ... uh).
  8. If you have the budget vetoes a hotel with your kids and enjoy! your house will remain clean and enjoy the pool mmm .... (I will not do that, thanks for asking JA).
  9. Evening with 1 friend (his choice) and play with them what they want ... options: scooter, ball clay, painting with hands, earth, anything goes).
  10. Evening with 1 bonus (which he chooses and I stand by the consequences JA)
  11. Movie night camping Day (in the room, not get excited ... with a sleeping bag, flashlights and stories). Costumes
  12. what I do, loves to dress up, bring it all day so that the world enjoy the greeting buzz light year ... what can I do?!
  13. Go to the cinema to some pretty dangerous
  14. child Take it all the festivals and things and for having the child's day to organize in the city (if free better haha, let me know!)
  15. Pizza night (what can i say?)
  16. Bring to visit places where they learn how to do things, or processes, business. Something like tourists learn the world of big (and published it on my FB, I hope that "stick" If any of you friends have a business, factory, etc.. Where you see a process or give me a chance to go to JR to a mini-visit to to know and see in a few minutes so there are, thank you very much: D (pastries, crafts, tortilla factory, workshop, carpentry, etc. whatever! ).
  17. piñatas take you to all who invited me over that period
  18. organize an outing with moms who want to mate and their children to a park, bring eggs kinder surprise (or those who are and prizes!) And tell of the week santa, what it means, etc.).
  19. Putting it in church trials
  20. to go to Children's Day Super! LW
  21. Pajamas & slippers
  22. day (you know what i mean ... haha \u200b\u200bthat day was for me vdd?)
  23. Plant a tree (I know where!, I just need to know what recommendations). Make
  24. gelatin and cut the shapes you want and decorate it, etc..
  25. visit an orphanage and / or nursing home and talk to him about
  26. Help me to collect the 10 pesos per person to buy groceries social project to people in need!
  27. Take a walk with him and RG in the stroller.
  28. At least 1 day a sports / DIF
  29. fill water pistols (or balloons) and play a chase in a park (where there is grass to conserve water and at least water the grass)
  30. Watercolors bring to a park and paint
  31. Visit a pet store
  32. many soap bubbles Make
  33. mall and trinkets Afternoon
  34. Visit my grandparents
  35. Go to the center and feeding pigeons (of course I do not know what they eat But what parent)
  36. with air that has been doing fly a kite!
  37. Help me or take care of the breakfast several mornings (obviously easy: serving dishes cereal, fruit closer to each place, we turn to the chocolate milk, but you feel the chef)
  38. Make a craft ( for a change ... JA)
  39. NOTE: THIS LIST IS UPDATED WITH IDEAS FROM TIME TO TIME (always good to have a list handy ... when you do not know what to do).

Oh, I almost forgot!:

  • Photographing and documenting all this, finally are our memories:)

Some activities may last all day while others only last 10 minutes, who cares! the goal is to create memories that is what relationships are built, the family.

Any idea that you contribute? WELCOME!

How Long Does It Take Diazapan To Work

Editing FB options to see all your friends

response to the question: I do not write? and I have not read, all right?

answer: I'm currently sick and yes, I have written. Sure I've read it through FB Czech and there are some configurations that have to change. If not I will read to me or many, you will be invisible.

I'm not inventing the black, best copy a note at the end of this post since many got it and some told me they did not understand ... I hope these images will understand more and edit it to read them all.

(UPDATE: Sorry to bother them English, so I use my FB in English ... why? Because it got used, I'm a Little Dinosaur using FB from that it was not known, when there were almost no Mexicans who will use it, when he was a clean, no strings or when you just labeled the photos came out, there is no film in this regard, it was only a harvard experiment that opened to the world and it sounded interesting. Apparently now it is interesting to the world, in short, that's another matter.) The fact is that even if you understand English words and just looking icons and save the configuration at the end.

In your home screen:

ver a todos en facebook

I put in more recent:

ver a todos en facebook

And just down the Edit options:

ver a todos en facebook

Show posts: read ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND WEB because if you put the pages with friends and you interact more, then you will not see anyone but you or I have talked in recent days have spoken , sad huh?

ver a todos en facebook

Here the note with the credit explanation Social Media is nothing complicated or new, only choosing your options and now.

you noticed that you are only seeing the same people news lately?

  • Have you noticed that when you post things like status messages, photos and links, the same circle of people are talking and no one else?
  • The problem is that a large part of your contact list can not see anything you post and here's why: ...

... The "new Facebook" has a news source settings that by default is automatically configured to display messages only from people that have recently interacted with which they interacted most contacts (limited to two weeks just before the body began to change the "new profile"). Therefore, in other words, both for business and personal web pages, unless you or your friends / fans have made a comment or sent a message within those two weeks will appear on your main page that are invisible to them and are invisible to you!


In your home page click on "latest" in the title to the right of the newsfeed, then click the drop down arrow and select "Edit Options" ;. Click "Show Message" and change the setting to "All their friends and pages" (you can also access the "Edit Options" in the bottom of the homepage of Facebook right)

Note: the business pages have no source of news. The owners of the business pages must adjust the settings on your personal accounts.

The good news is:

Now you can see all their friends and fans again.

The bad news is: YOU

remain invisible for much of his list. If you want to make contact, you have to spread the word to all your contacts inviting them to this "event" or create your own so they can read the message and adjust its settings.

To invite your friends:

Click on "Support" at the top and then you will see the option to invite your friends with the smiley face.

public is everyone who connects to Facebook can view and even to friends who can not see your messages view the event invitation. You can also create a blog, or send an email to its subscribers in the hope of reaching them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Build A Mailserver

not underestimate the Bible

many times have we heard people say the Bible protects most against any evil entity, rather than a Mangnun, one that can kill Nemesis in RE3.

Out of curiosity I entered to investigate hundreds of testimonies and tactics that give support to a curious belief, or would have done to be convinced that I would find something decent, so after much thought, many potential uses and customs, all in five minutes I decided to write a quick guide to using the Bible as protection.

1. believer: Believe in Allah, Jebus, God, Zeus, Mohamed Ali, La Monalisa, Santo Niño de Atocha, Osito Bimbo. (Refrain Flying Spaghetti Monster, Verne, Elves, Martyrs and smoking)

2. Choosing a Bible: This is a very important step. The sacred writing calligraphy should be large, it is preferable to take pictures and illustrations fill every page. Large, no Bible pocket because his power is not as strong. If collector's edition is perfect.

3. Arm: The user must have an arm in shape, note that using the Bible regularly. Arm can take blessings for more than one continuous hour.

4. Use: Once identified the opponent close to the Bible, gain momentum and throw it on the head of the aggressor. Only works against against corporeal bodies from flies and mosquitoes to psychopaths and maniacs that not even the slaughter in Texas could recover from this tremendous Porrasa; to incorporeal beings and imaginary is better to run away with all his might and tell a qualified psychiatrist or, failing that, hiding in a cave by the sea with a ball named Wilson or another name of your choice.

This is our chance to create an association that tells facts about how the Bible has helped to protect against evil aggressors is our chance to see the world that the Bible is not a simple overrated book is our chance to show the thousands benefits it brings to have this holy book in every home. Let each household have a gun to ward off the devil, we realize the importance of the Bible, let's arm to throw it to perfection.

Or you can sign up for self-defense classes, and is more beneficial as not carrying such a great book.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby-milk Formula 6 Month Singapore

The goal

saw this video on TV while waiting in line, I can not describe the impression, surprise, surprise and also to pain they caused me! How awful to be Colombian hey. I can not imagine the thousands of thoughts in seconds bombarded his mind (obviously find it on youtube to share it then ... all up!)

Immediately these words of Paul come to mind:

"Know ye not that they which run in race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that ye may obtain . Anyone who struggle , all refrains, they, indeed, to receive a perishable wreath, but we an incorruptible . Therefore I run thus: not as uncertainly, so fight I, as not beating the air but I discipline my body and make it my slave lest after preaching to others I myself should become disqualified " (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

The important thing is to live a full life, focused, giving us completely, not wasting time on anything, let alone victory not obtained or a cavalier attitude to disqualify us.

I hope to get to the end of my days and say like Paul: " I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith . Moreover, I is contained the crown of righteousness, which will give me the Lord, the righteous judge, on that day, and not only me but also to all who love his appearing " (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Who does not want that right?.

run, run, do not look back

Without comparing

Without boasting


Without Inviting others to run

without giving

Just by looking at the goal, step by step. What better

crown himself?, Yes, the goal is to Him

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Screw In Light Sensor


orden / desorden Order, order, such a beautiful word, so precious and sought noun, adjective and delicious longed for my surroundings.

When one area of \u200b\u200bmy life is spiraling out of control is generally mess. When looking mess, we need God in that area.

'll tell you a personal example. Today a friend phoned me and gave me a major proposal on monitoring your weight. If you're near me realize that I have enough extra kilos, they left over from my last pregnancy, it's been 7 months and I just do not like, but I've grown. If I may confess it has been extremely frustrating, it has been combined with almost chronic fatigue, illness (of 4) and lack of sleep. Usually I like to write about personal things frustrating here, I think that everyone already faces enough challenges and hear and read bad news in different media and to still read me, but I decided to do it if you can perhaps encouraging to know that you are not fighting alone (a).

you could whine and complain using the excuses we've heard ever: "I have no time, I have no budget ... go to a gym or for an operation or for someone to clean my house and have more time for me or for someone to look after children in what army I diet or payment or make special meals I could put a thousand and one excuses but now I feel like it, just know I need to bring order to that aspect of my life, because it is interfering with others, is having consequences for an almost chronic fatigue and sleep. RG breastfed have been worth it and I regret it, and concluded that stage and need to focus on organizing all to adapt to new change. I need to order also my dream to do better, to continue with activities and I know I should do, cleaning, timetables, menus, etc..

all have the same opportunity to act and orders even if we all face different circumstances and challenges, we all have different resources and budgets, reasons and motivation. When you do not put some order to all areas of your life can turn into a vicious cycle and when not ordered life tends to chaos. That is the law in the world with humans, we tend to entropy.

is a blessing to have people who only judge, criticize, give thousand and one ideas of how they do have order and crush with words and attitudes haughty and proud, you excited, understand, help, pushed and have to pray for you so you can move forward and go beyond. It is extremely rewarding that someone sees some value in you even when your not able to see the disorder there is.

Maybe for you is very simple to keep your life orderly, I do not know, I do know is that the order is pleasing to God, from the first made a place for everything and everything in its place, from the beginning put time for all, marked the day and night in a fairly noticeable. I think I enjoy the order because I have part of him in me and I know that will help me sort my life at this stage and in the following. I know that when we take care of life immediately inside the outer life is a reflection of her and everything falls into place when the main thing is our relationship with Him, everything else takes their place and their share and importance in life, neither more nor less , what is just, necessary, healthy, I want the

straighten my steps (Prov. 16:9)

want him to be Lord of my way and order my steps and my life itself. (Jeremiah 10:23) I

order. Perhaps

tell you after the progress I've had in this area, maybe not. What I wanted to tell you today is that Pay attention to any part of your life that needs to order. Let us ask God for help and let 'also action.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct thy paths . " Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Does The Hymen Look White

This friendship is a very curious. At least for me it is.

Humans have this need to bond with their peers (and not so similar) that somehow did not feel alone. Strong ties such as "you are my soul mate," not so strong "I speak because we are family", the weak, "you stand because you are my boss," which are bonds with bones: "I hate you more than reggeton the "ties of convenience:" remember me when you're the boss "and among these variants is that of friendship that can be very strong, but like all the others, well, it can rupture and generate its inversely proportional.

natural Contrary friend, obviously, is the enemy, but not an enemy either. Someone may hate you as soon as you see, something like Draco and Harry, who they simply had a few comments to hate each other, of these is populated the universe, are like enemies or surface that comes by default , but enemies that were once friends, these are the ones we have to fear.

As we establish a relationship of friendship at the same time we planted a seed of a nemesis for our life, a seed that, if all goes well and continues or ends as it should, it never shows its fruit, but if something or break the relationship ends abruptly, seed lets out his inner self, because the friendship is that of trust. Secret trust, trusting behavior, trusting desires, even our individual and trust as well say: Information is power.

Examples we've got very clear, the relationship Kent / Luthor is a clear example of this, but they were not what inspired me to come and type this, but the relationship Assange / Domscheit Berg. The latter has published a book called "Inside WikiLeaks" and although the text has alleged Assange dementia ( now ask you lift your right foot completely sane who creates ) says it is not to disparage his former friend.

I strongly believe in privacy, everyone is entitled to keep some of our life for ourselves, others are entitled to expose. What is done with WikiLeaks Assange do Hackers: Free information, because some things everyone should know, be aware. According Domscheit-Berg says he lost the original purpose of WikiLeaks, but that he is, to return information to track in its own portal, before leaving for WikiLeaks was a good block of information to create fair competition: OpenLeaks.

Anyway, it shows that friendship has its consequences because it is not the right choice, but sometimes you have to be careful in the jealousies that can arouse even in those who would share the achievements, whatever, man has the ability to make something good, something bad. It's like a gift, I suppose, inevitable.

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